
Magic Mind Method Part 5  



Definition of an Affirmation: a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.
Affirmations alone have the power to drastically change your life, the information in this chapter can be used by you throughout the day to bring about the changes you seek. Affirmations can also be used in conjunction with the Magic Mind Method to increase its power to manifest your desires.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting your desires because the Inner-Self cannot distinguish between our everyday reality and the suggestions it receives from the Ego/Conscious self.
Many health and sports professionals use Affirmations with their clients. Affirmations have been used with religious orders and organizations for centuries.
Affirmations affirm life, they are positive. Being positive they give extra energy to your life, extra energy in creating your desired reality.
Affirmations can be spoken, written or sung. In fact it is best to first write down the Affirmation while visualizing the desired outcome. If there is no desired objective and your affirmation is a general one, such as bringing peace and harmony into your life, then visualize a pure while light surrounding your whole body.

There are certain ways of phrasing Affirmations in order to make them effective.
Affirmations should never include negative words, only positive affirming words.
Don't include such words as 'not', 'no', 'don't' etc. This is because the Inner-Self does not recognize these negative words and only uses the positive or descriptive words. For example, if you want to give up smoking don't say
'I don't smoke now'.
This is interpreted as
'I smoke now'.
Instead try
'My lungs are clear of smoke, I feel healthy and vital'.
This one simple fact might explain why, when you have used affirmations, either consciously or unconsciously, they don't produce the desired positive effect. You may have unfittingly included negative words whiling trying for a positive outcome.

The use of 'I' and 'I am', is very powerful. It focuses the attention of the Inner-Self on the whole body, mind and spirit. It also brings the minds attention into the Present Tense.
All Affirmations must be in the Present Tense, the past or future takes you away from manifesting your desire. For example if you say
'I want a new Ford car'.
You will always be in a state of 'wanting', in a state of 'lacking', This is how your Inner-Self will interpret your desire. Your Inner-Self will keep you in a state of 'wanting' something. I cannot over emphasize this point, look at your life, how often are you 'wanting' something, are you always in the situation of 'wanting'?
Instead say
'I have a new Ford car here and now'.
It may be that your Conscious mind cannot accept the idea that you have a new car now, when you look out into your driveway and still see your battered old car. In this case, change the Affirmation into a 'command' statement. The Inner-Self can accept commands as statements in the present tense, so your new Affirmation would be
'I command a new Ford car, now' or
'I deserve a new Ford car now'.

You must give yourself permission to have whatever you desire in life, you have the right to happiness and success the same as any other person.
Now let us go through various examples of Affirmations and how they can relate to you creating your own reality.

But first, how often, and how many times should you repeat your Affirmation.
When creating a new Affirmation, especially for use with the Magic Mind Method, firstly write it down, this reinforces the Affirmation with the Inner-Self.
First time that you speak your Affirmation, either with the Magic Mind Method or as a separate Affirmation you wish to use in your everyday life, I like to speak it seven times. Others have suggested different repetitions, but seven has that associated 'magic' number about it, people always say 'lucky seven', your Inner-Self also knows the number seven is associated with luck. After the first time then repeat it however many times you feel is right, never neglect to use your own intuition. The more you repeat an Affirmation, the more you and your Inner-Self will accept it as true.

Many also advocate using your Affirmations when performing routine tasks, getting dressed, going to the toilet, cleaning the house or car, again this allows your Inner-Self to concentrate on the Affirmation while you perform a routine task. But I would not recommend doing it while needing to maintain your attention, such as driving a car. Although you could place your Affirmation on a tape and play it in the background.

You need to accept that not only can you change your life and reality, but also that you deserve to have happiness and the material things in life that create a better place for yourself, family, friends or even humanity.
'I deserve the abundance and joy that life gives me'
'I give myself permission to be happy and full of love for all'
'Life gives me everything I need to bring happiness to myself and others'
'As I receive life's abundance I shall also give to others what they need'
'I allow myself to live each moment in its highest truth, the truth that brings love and joy'
'As love flows from me to others, so I receive their love'
'My word is law in my life, by loving my reality I manifest all I need'
'I accept who I am, having patience allows me to create my reality'

The Body:
'I am in control of my health and energy'
'I have abundant energy, vitality and health'
'I have all the energy I need to make this day a success'
'I am always able to maintain my ideal weight'
'I love my body and my body cares for me'
'I deserve perfect health and vitality'
'I am healthy in all aspects of my being'

'I have all the resources to maintain my life in abundance'
'My work is always appreciated'
'I am a channel for joy and abundance'
'I create an abundance lifestyle'
'I always have enough money for my needs'

Everyday Living:
'I love and accept myself'
'I am at harmony with society'
'I am a unique and loving person'
'I harmonize with all the people around me'
'I am at peace with you universe'
'I surround myself with those I love'
'I trust my Inner-Self to help me during the day'

Peace and Harmony in your Life:
'I am at peace with myself'
'I love those around me and forgive them'
'I work in harmony and peace with those in my life'
'The more love I give to those around me the more love is returned'
'I express anger in appropriate ways'
'I give and receive love all the time no matter what is going on in my life'
'I express my emotions positively'
'Love is my life's currency'

Spiritual Affirmations:
'Love is eternal, my life reflects this truth'
'I am worthy of love'
'I am at one with the universe'
'I forgive those that harm me'
'I love my Inner-Self and receive love in return'
'I am responsible for my life and its needs'
'I create my own reality in love and harmony'

'Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, I am always balanced and centered'
'I deserve all the money I need for an abundant life'
'I receive money and give money to those that need it'
'I love how money can make my life abundant'

Reality Creator:
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I am a channel for Joy and Abundance’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I give Love, Love comes back to me’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I have all I require for a happy Life’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, My Psychic Abilities activate strongly’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I am a Lucky Person’

Words both spoken and thought have a deep effect on your Inner-Self.
The repetition of words and thoughts form the basis for new beliefs.
Your beliefs are reflected in your reality.
If you can try and put your conscious mind in your Solar Plexus (Yellow) Chakra while saying your Affirmation, it will have a more direct connection to your Inner-Self and consequently be more effective.

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