
Magic Mind Method Part 14  



I've been asked and indeed asked myself is there any part of the Magic Mind Method that is more important.

It is important to have a clear image of your desire or goal. It is very necessary to give enough extra energy (prana, chi) to the Inner-Self so that it can be delivered to the Higher-Self.

You need to feel happy and joyful about your desire being made manifest. If the Magic Mind Method is followed it will work, it has for many people.

But to radically alter your life you must believe you are a creator. That you alone can create your reality. You may not believe it at the beginning, but by using the Magic Mind Method and gradually having more and more success, you will believe that you have the right and ability to create your reality. And after having personal success, by joining with others you can help to make the world a better place. There is no shame in wanting material abundance for you, your family and friends, the Magic Mind Method can help you achieve your goals. But also spare a thought for the other person, tell them about the Magic Mind Method, allow them to create their reality, by helping others we help ourselves to better understanding of our place in the Universe. Remember you can use the Magic Mind Method for spiritual understanding as well as material abundance.

May your God be with you.


Also referred to as the 'Sub-Conscious' by western Psychologists.

Webster's Dictionary defines the sub-conscious as:-

'Occurring without the possibility or the fact of an attendant consciousness; said of states of the soul'.

I use the term Inner-Self so as to not identify with any particular form of psychology or religious belief. It is not the 'soul' as understood by most religious beliefs, but an 'intelligence' that connects to the Higher-Self.

The Inner-Self does not have the ability to reason and discriminate like the Conscious or Ego mind. You make the decisions that the Inner-Self must follow. It is not like an 'adult', more like a 'child', sometimes the Inner-Self is referred to as the Inner Child.

The Inner-Self is often believed to be the opposite gender to our body e.g. if you are male the Inner-Self is female in orientation, this allows for as certain amount of balance within our conscious levels of being. It believes what you tell it, your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions all impress upon the Inner-Self. The Inner-Self then communicates with the Higher-Self using symbols and imagery, which allows the Higher-Self to create your reality. The Inner-Self makes no judgments upon the information supplied by your conscious mind. If you keep repeating an action or thought that is making your life miserable, the Inner-Self has no control over this, it cannot take action or create a reality that has not been provided by yourself, even if another course of action would make your life more pleasant. You have 'freewill', the choices in life are always yours, no matter what circumstances you have found yourself in, you have chosen that experience. But the upside is that you have the ability to change your circumstances for the better. You create your reality. You can create a world far removed from your present circumstances. The choice is yours.

Also referred to as the 'Super-Conscious' by western Psychologists or Soul by religious groups. I make no claims for this part of our being only to say that it is the part that helps to look after us, to care and love us. It helps to create our reality as we have specified and designed it. It never interferes with our life because we have 'freewill'. But we can ask that the Higher-Self come into our life to help and guide us, but we need to ASK.

As individuals we don’t always feel our connection to other human beings. But the Higher-Self is consciously connected to each other Higher-Self from the human and animal kingdoms. The Higher-Self can ask help from other Higher Selves in creating your reality as long as it does not interfere with their duty to their own human host.

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Magic Mind Method Part 13  



There is a belief by many metaphysical thinkers that we create our reality within our ‘dream time’. If we do indeed connect with our Inner and Higher Selves within our dream periods then it is more than possible that certain dreams can help create our reality. So use ‘dream time’ to help create your desired reality.

Don't just drift off aimlessly into sleep, empower and command your dreams to manifest your reality. How can you do this ?

Do you need to remember your dreams in order for them to work on your behalf ?

No you don't. Science shows us that most people have on average about eight dreams per night, but rarely remember even one. But if you can remember your dreams they can impart valuable information that may help manifest your desire or aid you in your daily life.

Also, there are several different types of dream.

'What a day' dream types:

Quite often through the day there are unresolved issues, not necessary bad issues, just questions left unanswered, situations not quite understood. They are often pondered within the dreamscape in order to bring some form of closure or answer to the question. If you can resolve these issues before going to sleep, that will allow greater freedom to use your dreams for reality creation.

We can't always solve all our problems before sleep of course, but if you just relax using techniques within this manual, especially breathing exercises, that is the first stage. Then simply review the past day, its highs and lows, forgive anyone who annoyed you, say sorry to anyone who you annoyed. Forgive yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes, but know you are capable of so much within this universe.

This exercise in itself will allow many of the 'what a day' dreams to resolve themselves before sleep.

'Information from above' dream types:

There can be several types of this dream.

You may have been struggling with a problem, could be work related, family related, trying to think of a new invention or design etc. And then the dream provides an answer, sometimes the answer is a little cryptic, but there are many examples of this type of dream on the Internet.

There is the type of dream that is providing information about something in your life that you may be unaware of, it may be information or guidance that will help you progress along life's journey. You really need to remember, write down this type of dream in order to analyze and understand it.

Then there is the 'prophetic' dream, a vision of future events. Some are merely inner fears manifesting in your dreams. During the 'Cuban missile' crisis many people had dreams of nuclear wars, these just reflect natural concerns for ourselves and family. But other dreams do actually show the 'potential' future. Again many claim to have dreamt of events, most normally disasters or tragedies. I will leave you to decide if you believe in this type of dream. I personally do, I've dreamt of the death of close loved ones and also dreamt of simple events that mean something to myself, but perhaps nothing to others.

So how can you help to manifest your desired reality within your dreams ?

Although not necessary it is most helpful if you can remember your dreams. Get into a routine of writing your dreams down in a dream journal, as you know, dreams quickly fad from memory. To help you remember dreams, as you are about to go to sleep, do several deep breathing exercises while lying down and put your attention on your Solar Plexus Chakra at the same time. This gives your Inner-Self the extra energy it needs to help keep the dream in your conscious mind for a little longer when first waking. This one tip alone can help considerably. When I use this before going to sleep I can sometimes remember up to six dreams upon waking, but sometimes none at all.

As you start to drift off into sleep concentrate on your desire, your immediate goal that you are using the Magic Mind Method. You can imagine the exact image/fantasy you are using with the Method, this will help reinforce your desire/goal with your Inner-Self. It will allow a conscious connection between your waking and sleep times.

Remember, those who dare to dream, create their life anew each day.

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Magic Mind Method Part 12  


Health Matters.

When you feel healthy, full of the joys of spring, you think you can achieve anything. You can tackle anything the world throws at you. But, when your full of a cold, got a touch of flu, caught a virus etc, you just want to curl up and go to bed, quite a natural reaction. And these days there seems to be more viruses floating around than at any other time we can remember.
The following is by no means an exhaustive list, just a guide which may give you food for thought.

I must worn you now that the following are not claims by myself as to their medicinal properties, I make no claims of cures by these substances or food stuffs. Where I have used them I can only state the reaction my body had, which in some cases is coincidental with the illness being cured. I also only briefly touch on the substance/food in general I leave it up to you to do your own research on such food supplements or recipes.

I've included some helpful websites, I have no association with these sites, nor make any money in commissions from products which they may stock.

Colloidal Silver:
I've used it for the last five years, whenever I've caught a virus and used ‘Colloidal Silver’, coincidentally the virus has been killed within 24-36 hours. I totally recommend this substance for your research.

As championed by Dr Hulda Clark. Much of her research work for this product concern cancer, I have not had cancer so cannot vouch for such claims. But it is also claimed that this device can alleviate 'asthma', I have 'asthma' and have used this device. And coincidentally when using this device with an 'asthma' attack it has alleviated my breathing problems.

Urine Therapy:
Urine therapy is used extensively in various Asian countries, by drinking or topical (rubbing into you skin) use. It should be noted that it is the use of your own urine and not another's. Many medical internet sites will show that our own urine is a very pure product. It contains many vitamins and hormones that might otherwise be lost to the body. I have drunk my own urine on many occasions and used it to help fight viruses. Also I used to have 'eczema' as a child. When I matured most the eczema disappeared. But I was left with a very severe patch on my elbow. No creams from the Doctor could cure it. But I started to place my own urine on it as many times a day as possible, within two weeks the eczema had disappeared and I have not had any problems since. That was 7 years ago.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum):
Perhaps the single most wonderful and most beneficial herb in the entire herbal kingdom is Capsicum, or Cayenne Red Pepper. Many herbalists have said that if they could have only one herb to work with, they would choose Capsicum.



Recommended Diet:
For those of you looking for a suggested diet, we recommend the following:

* Consume a diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods (whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc.)

* Reduce (or eliminate, if possible) your intake of refined sugar.

* Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

* Avoid animal products, with the possible exception of cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, halibut, etc.).

* Eliminate dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol.

* Eliminate coffee (besides caffeine, there are a host of other chemicals poisoning your body). Try the many varieties of herbal tea available.

* Avoid soft drinks completely.

* Avoid white bread and refined flour products. They are devoid of essential nutrients, including omega-3 essential fatty acids and others.

* Avoid margarine and all commercial cooking oils. Use Butter and Organic cold pressed Olive oil instead.

* Consume organic Flax Seed Oil and cold fish oil (MAX EPA) daily.

* Consume Miso soup, kelp, and shitake mushrooms regularly.

* Brown Rice is better than white rice.

* Buy organic foods (especially produce) whenever possible.

* Get regular exercise.

* Perform a relaxation exercise (deep/focused breathing, meditation, tai chi, visualization, prayer, etc.) 10 to 15 minutes each day.

All forms of exercise, especially Yoga, Tai Chi.

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Magic Mind Method Part 11  


Help Your Desires.

As well of performing the Magic Mind Method everyday or as often as possible, there are ways in which you can help your creations to manifest that much quicker.

The conscious mind has three primary components that control the initial phase of reality creation, they are Intent, Awareness and Energy.

A simple example may be you become Aware of a thirst, your Intent is to quench that first with a drink, your mind visualizes the tap in the kitchen, you apply Energy in order to get the drink of water for your thirst.

NB. Once you have created your desired fantasy and then started using the Magic Mind Method to make it manifest in your reality. You must accept that it has all ready been granted, that the universal energies that surround you are already making it manifest. The more you can accept your desire has been granted help by your Inner and Higher-Self, the quicker it will manifest in your life.

Appreciate your Desire:
The green-eyed God, Jealousy. If you see something that you desire in your life, a car, house, lovely partner etc, DONT, I repeat DONT be Jealous. Jealousy creates a feeling of ‘lack’ within you. It say's, ‘I don't have this desire in my life, I'm not worthy’. This feeling of 'lack' or 'unworthiness' has a profound affect on the Inner-Self, saying I can never have this object or person in my life. You can have anything you seek as long as you take the right approach.

When you see your desire, appreciate it, accept it as part of your life already. If you see somebody with the thing you desire, congratulate them on the inside, say to yourself, 'well done, I'm glad you have that object/person', that thought of yours will also have an effect on that person on an inner level.

Remember 'we reap as we sow'.

Appreciate your Life:
Even though you are looking to bring other things into your life, there are still aspects of your life for which you can be grateful. Your family, friends and experiences. The more you bring positive energy into your life, the more you will be a magnet for other positive energy and experiences. Consequently the easier it will be to create the reality you desire.

Positive Outlook:
'Birds of a feather flock together'.
'Like attracts Like'.

How often have you heard these sayings or others like them.. Thus, the more positive energy you bring into your life and thoughts, the more you will be like a magnet, attracting positive energy, from life, people and the spiritual realms.

'Money goes to those who already have it'.
How often have you heard that phrase.

The American dollar is often called a 'greenback'. Green is a color associated with abundance, one of the colors associated with the Heart Chakra is Green.

Look at the dollar bill if you have one, the pyramid with the all seeing eye, count the groups of objects on the dollar, the count for many of them comes to thirteen, a lucky number in secret societies. The dollar bill itself was designed by freemasons. Designed to accumulate and attract wealth.

Use the same principle within your life to attract the type of reality you desire, both materially and spiritually.

The Written Word:
They probably don't do it any more in most schools, but when I was young, if you did anything wrong, the teacher would make you write out lines, 'I will come to school on time' etc. Because they knew that writing something down had an impact on the Inner-Self, it is a conscious action that speaks to the Inner-Self (subconscious) directly.

Which is why it is a good idea to write your desires down before you create your fantasy and then perform the Magic Mind Method.

If your looking for a new relationship, write down all the characteristics you would like the person to have, physical, emotional and mental. Try not to be too specific, as the more requirements you have, the greater time it may take to find someone for you. Always trust in your Higher-Self to bring about a reality in your best interests.

NB. Your Higher-Self can only help you create your reality if you give it permission to do so, ask your Higher-Self to come into your life and help you create the reality you seek. (see Invocation to the Higher-Self)

Invocation to the Higher-Self:
We use the phrase "Mighty I am Presence" to indicate the Higher-Self and its potential to help us, although you can still use the term Higher-Self if you feel more comfortable.

"Mighty I Am Presence, blaze through me thy consuming flame of divine love; remove this (fear/lack/doubt/you fill in blank) from me; remove its cause and effect, past, present and future. Replace it with yourself and hold your dominion here forever!"

Memorize it! Say it every time you recognize you are thinking about 'lacking something'; 'fearing anything', etc. Don't be afraid to get creative with it. And remember this: Your ‘I Am Presence’ is your Higher-Self.

Second, you need to tell your Higher-Self what it is you want. Say it with some energy behind it. Out loud is best. But the desire needs to be felt by you.

This is the alchemical magic that Mind can create. Oh, there is one other thing you should know: Your Higher-Self CANNOT deny your request. So be careful. I usually add in, 'if this is in my best interest', sometimes we get what we wish for, which is not always what we need.

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Magic Mind Method Part 10  


Positive Approach.

Here are some little thoughts on approaching life in general that can help you be more positive when going about your daily tasks. A positive lifestyle isn't all about the possessions we have, but how we perceive ourselves and those around us.

Let Go:
Life is full of 'what ifs'.

They constantly go round in your mind, you know you can't change them now, the past is past, so 'let them go'.

The more you think about 'what ifs', the more energy you use that could be better employed on manifesting your desires now. Forget about what might have been, think about what can be.

Forgive yourself for any wrongs you have done to others and forgive others for any wrongs done to you. And if possible try and correct any wrong doing.

Respect Yourself:
Don't put yourself down, be positive in your approach to everything that comes your way. If someone makes you a compliment say 'thank you' and accept it. Be humble if you like, but be positively humble.

Negative Thoughts:
Any thought that can lead to a negative response from your Inner-Self e.g. always thinking the worst might happen, always thinking if I prepare for the worse outcome I won't be disappointed, yes you will, if you expect the worse, the worse will happen.

Others Perception of You:
Don't worry about how others may or may not perceive you and your actions. They may in fact think nothing of you at all. They may be more concerned with their own life to take much notice or care about yours.

Sometimes is necessary to trust others, don't be alone or afraid to communicate with people, these people may often be a channel for ideas or actions that may help you manifest your desires.

Do It Yourself:
Although you may have to trust others at times, it is up to you to put energy and action into your life. Only you can control your life, as long as you accept responsibility for doing so. If you do nothing, you let others take control of you.

Love Yourself:
Learn to like and love yourself, remember it's our imperfections that make us so unique. Honor that uniqueness and learn to love it. If you love yourself, then others can also love you and we always help those we love.

Each day presents us with opportunities to learn or help manifest our desires, the problem is that we don't always recognize them. How often have we said, 'if only'. Well forget about those lost opportunities, because you will be presented with more, just be open each day to that possibility and you will learn to recognize them. As you use the Magic Mind Method you will become more in tune with your Inner-Self, your intuition will be strengthened. Have faith in your Inner and Higher-Self to help you progress in what ever you desire.

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Magic Mind Method Part 9  


Chakra Cleansing.

The balancing of the energies within our major Chakras can take a considerable time to achieve. You don't have to perform these exercises in order to perform the Magic Mind Method. But the balancing and free flow of energy through your Chakras will help to boost your health and energy systems. You can perform these exercises at your own pace.

The following types of exercise help to the balance the


Root Chakra.
Stamping feet, marching, brisk walk and hiking.

Sacral Chakra.
Circular pelvis movements, pelvis thrust, belly breathing.

Solar Plexus Chakra.
Belly dancing, twist and rock and rock dancing.

Heart Chakra.
Swimming and gym exercises that help chest movement.

Throat Chakra.
Gargle with sea salt, singing, screaming.

Brow (Third Eye) Chakra.
Visualization, concentrating with a white light on the Chakra.

Crown Chakra.

Chakra Meditation.

You don't have to perform these exercises on all your Chakras each time. You may only have enough time on your hands to concentrate on one Chakra at a time. This is fine, you don't have to hurry. At the end of each exercise, return your attention to your Navel, yes, contemplate your navel for a few minutes. This helps to ground your energy system before either continuing on with the exercise or going about your daily business.

Sit in a relaxed position, with your spine straight, use the 'basic' deep breathing method. Try to clear your mind, but don't worry if you can't, as your mind will become calmer as you start the exercise.

Try to become aware of your body, its heaviness, where limps and joints intersect.

Now focus on the Root Chakra, the base of the spine, this Chakra controls your physical health and vitality. Imagine a bright white light start to expand from this area until it is about a foot in circumference. Try and feel the energy, does it feel clean and bright or does it feel dirty, heavy. Are there any disturbing emotional thoughts that come into your mind. If so, imagine all these thoughts or dirty energy being captured by the white light. Take the light and imagine it being thrust into the Sun, let it be burnt and cleansed, the energy being released into the Universe. Return your attention to the Root Chakra. Now see red energy expanding from the Chakra, bright, vibrant. See it expanding several feet from your body, keep breathing deep, imagine the breath moving to the Root Chakra. Keep your attention on the Chakra for several minutes. Then focus your attention on your navel for a few minutes.

Now turn your attention to your Spleen Chakra, a couple of inches below the navel. This Chakra controls thinking and creativity, its color is orange. Follow the same procedure as the Root Chakra.

The next in line is the Solar Plexus Chakra, just below the bottom breast bone, about 2 inches above the navel. Its color is Yellow.

The next in line is the Heart Chakra, at the center of the chest. Its color is Green or Pink.

The next in line is the Throat Chakra, Location being the throat. Its color is Sky Blue.

The next in line is the Third-Eye Chakra, center of the forehead. Its color is Indigo.

And Last but not least the Crown Chakra, top of the Head. Its color is Violet.

There is much free information on the internet about Chakras, their purpose and how to use them for your benefit.

Don't forget, for use with the Magic Mind Method the Solar Plexus Chakra is our main concern.

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Magic Mind Method Part 8  



It is not necessary to fully understand the nature of Chakras in order to perform the Magic Mind Method. Although it is important to know the position of the 'Solar Plexus' chakra.

Sometimes spelled cakra, 'Chakra' is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel", these wheels are energy centers within one of the subtle bodies, formed by the intersection of many "nadis" or strands of etheric substance, forming the seven main chakras and 22 minor chakras of the human body. The Chakras correspond roughly to the nerve junctions ('little brains') where nerves from every part of the body join the spinal cord. Each Chakra has an associated color. These centers are used in such treatments as Acupuncture. But Chakras can become blocked and cause physical, emotional and mental illness. By unblocking or clearing the major Chakras we can allow the free flow of energy to our body and mind. The body becomes stronger with an increased immune system. The mind can exhibit clearer thought, sharper intelligence and show greater confidence in dealing with life.

The Seven Major Chakra are:-

Root Chakra : Muladhara

Also called Sexual Chakra

Location: The base of the spine

Color : Red

Element : Earth

Associated Body Parts : Skeleton, lymph system, lower parts of the body, legs, feet, ankles.

Consciousness : Related to our survival instincts, how we are grounded to our physical bodies and environment. Our connection to Mother Earth. Our sense of security within our environments.

Orange or Spleen Chakra : Svadhisthana

Also called Sacral Chakra

Location: The center of the abdomen, just below the navel

Color : Orange

Element : Water

Associated Body Parts : Sexual and reproductive organs.

Consciousness : Related to our need for food and sex. How we relate to our Inner-Self. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement.

Blockages can manifest as sexual or emotional problems.

Solar Plexus Chakra : Manipura

Location: Above the navel and about 2 inches below bottom of the rib cage.

Color : Yellow

Element : Fire, The Sun

Associated Body Parts : Solar Plexus, the large intestine, stomach, liver.

Consciousness : Connects to our ego, personality and mental body, this Chakra connects to our sub-conscious(Inner-Self), through which communication with the Higher-Self must flow. Stress and tensions can build up here manifesting as anger and a feeling of being oppressed.

Heart Chakra : Anahata

Location: Center of the chest

Color : Green

Element : Air

Associated Body Parts : Heart, Lungs, circulatory system.

Consciousness : Connects to our feelings to others, how we feel and relate. All forms of love and its meaning. Blockage can manifest as immune system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion.

Throat Chakra : Visuddha

Location: Throat

Color : Sky Blue

Element : Ether

Associated Body Parts : Heart, Lungs, circulatory system.

Consciousness : Connects to our feelings to others, how we feel and relate. All forms of love and its meaning. Blockage can manifest as immune system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion.

Third-Eye Chakra : Ajna

Location: Centre of the forehead (brow or third-eye)

Color : Indigo

Element : Inner Sound (Part of spiritual growth)

Associated Body Parts : Forehead and Temples.

Consciousness : Opens up our psychic abilities, connecting to higher planes, seeing the bigger picture.

Crown Chakra : Sahasrara

Location: Top of the Head

Color : Violet

Element : Inner Light, a connection to the source of our being, hard to describe but acknowledged when experienced.

Associated Body Parts : Top of the Head, Brain and Nervous System.

Consciousness : Connects us to the higher spiritual realms, can be felt as slight pressure at the top of the head, or even having a slightly 'spaced out' feeling.

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Magic Mind Method Part 7  


Achievement Embrace.

I call this the ‘Achievement Embrace’, you may give it any name with which you feel comfortable. But make no mistake this is a very powerful technique for increasing the power of your desired goal and an important part of the Magic Mind Method.

It uses one of the fundamental energy forces of our reality, that being Emotion. We know how powerful and disturbing our emotions can be, but also how they can help us to overcome the most extreme tests of character. And the two most powerful emotions, two sides of the same coin are of course LOVE and Hate.

As you read those two words LOVE and Hate, your mind is already thinking of times when you have experienced both, yes even hatred, we all have those moments, if we haven't then why be on this Earth and be part of an emotional experience. You would have to be a Saint or a hermit living in a Himalayan cave to have perfect control of your emotions. Are emotions need to be expressed, even those of anger, but hopefully expressed in an appropriate way. And if you have had those moments of hatred, then simply let them go, forgive yourself for those moments of hatred, send Love to those you have wronged and then let it go, don't bash yourself up about it.

But we are concerned here with those moments of Love, we can all think of experiences of Love, the Love of our family, friends, God, Allah etc. But the Love that we need for the Magic Mind Method is Self-Love. Not the Love we might have for our body, mind or spirit, but the Love we have felt in Achievement.

Think back, recently or at anytime in the past, remember a time when you achieved something that made you very happy, an event perhaps, sporting or otherwise. An award received, something you made, a DIY project at home. The birth of a child, concentrate on that moment. Use your imagination to take yourself back to that moment. Re-live your feelings of Love, Joy and Achievement. Remember the sense of fulfillment at your achievement. Now let those feelings and your accompanying images be released from your mind. But later on in the day, do the process again, this time you might feel the emotions come quicker, the images are already there, waiting to be experienced. Do this several times over a couple of days. You are conditioning your Inner-Self, to remember and experience those feeling of Joy quickly, to associate any action you perform with that achievement. As you remember this experience, try and isolate those feelings of love and joy, concentrate on the emotion instead of the images. The images are there only to trigger the emotional feeling. You want to be able to create those emotional feelings and apply them to any image of your desire.

Now when you perform Step 6 of the Magic Mind Method try to bring those feelings of Love and Joy of your achievement to your mind while visualizing your desire and saying the Affirmation. By associating a period when you were happy in achieving a goal in life, associating that feeling with your newly desired reality, you are telling your Inner-Self you want to feel that same Joy again with this new desire. Your Inner-Self will try to create your new reality for you in order to feel that Joy of achievement again. Your Inner-Self love that feeling of Joy. Like a child wanting to feel happy and loved when doing something right. Don't neglect your emotions when creating your new reality. They are the fuel that burns the creation from the higher spiritual realm.

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Magic Mind Method Part 6  



Creative visualization is a technique to help you acquire what you want in life. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with the Magic Mind Method.

People will have mixed reactions when asked to visualize. Many will instantly say they can't do it, thinking you have to see vivid, almost real images in your mind, almost like experiencing a dream while awake. Indeed some people can do that and given time, patience and practice you can also. But for our purposes, creative visualization means the active and disciplined use of the imagination. Of course you use your imagination every minute, every hour, every day. Fantasizing, day dreaming, thinking about work, travel or romance, but the images we create have very little energy attached to them, so the Inner and Higher Selves cannot create them as your reality. Although it is often the case that the images of those things that we fear e.g. spiders, fire, heights etc often have a great deal of energy, in the form of fear itself attached to that image, which is why we often encounter those fears in our daily lives. The Inner-Self will use the images that are given greater energy, so make sure those images you create are positive and have loving energy attached to them.

A new house needs an architect for its design, but it also needs the bricks, mortar and labor to build. The Magic Mind Method needs a design for your new reality, you create that design using Creative Visualization and the clearer, more precise the design, the more chance of a quicker success. Of course some of your desires for a change in reality can't be that precise, it may be a change in life direction, but creative visualization can still help us in such instances.

As already stated we use creative visualization everyday, every daydream or fantasy is creative visualization. Most of our idol thoughts or fantasies do not have enough energy or intent to manifest in our reality. But also remember, many of our thoughts or daydreams may be about problems or fears. If we concentrate on these images too often, using fear as an energy source, many of them may well manifest in our lives. As you learn to use creative visualization, learn to take those negative thoughts and images and transform them into positive images that enhance your life. It is rare that such transformations happen over night, but little by little change creeps into your life as your Inner-Self begins to understand how you want to change your reality.

Remember your Inner-Self will see every experience as valid. It is only your discerning conscious mind that decides which experience is more pleasurable or life enhancing.

It should be noted that this technique should not be used to "control" the behavior of others or cause them to do something against their will. Whatever you try to create for another will always boomerang back to you. That includes both loving, helpful, or healing actions and negative, destructive ones. Any visualization involving others must always have their permission. If you want to help your family and friends simply give them your love and support.

The desired outcome of your visualization should always concern yourself e.g. acquiring a new car, finding a new job, finding true love etc. Only include others if you have their permission. A couple may create the same visualization together e.g. a new house, when others join your vision it has more power and energy. In fact its power is more than double the number of people involved, if two people visualize together, it’s as strong if four people are doing it individually.

As with the other self-help methods in the ebook, creative visualization requires no religious or metaphysical belief, just following the technique is enough to create or manifest your reality or goal.

But if you employ enthusiasm and extra energy the results are more likely to manifest in a quicker time scale. It is especially helpful when visualizing your goal to include your emotions. In fact emotional intent can increase the power of your visualizations considerably. Emotion creates a very strong impression on our Inner-Self, whenever we use strong emotion, positive or negative and apply it to an image or desire the Inner-Self is compelled to try and create the reality that will allow that desire to manifest, irrespective of the outcome to our life style, one reason why addictions are so hard to overcome. See section Achievement Embrace.

The Basic structure of a Creative Visualization session.

Firstly, make sure you aren't going to be disturbed for at least 15 minutes, then try and go into the most relaxed state you can. If you are not sure on how to do this, look at the sections on Relaxation and Breathing techniques.

Take a few full, deep breathes, closing your eyes on the exhale. Feel the relaxation of your muscles, the tension just drifting away. Breathe in, breathe out, and relax. Breathe in, breathe out, and relax. Let yourself go more relaxed with each breath. On each breath give yourself the suggestion that you are becoming more relaxed.

Creating the Image:
When first creating your desired goal, you should lead yourself into a beautiful, peaceful scene that enhances your relaxed state of mind. The entry into your scene should preferably always be the same, this will also alert the Inner-Self that you are about to visualize a desire that you want created and made manifest in your own reality. Always use positive images, use positive, constructive words if talking to yourself or repeating affirmations.

Also be aware that your memory plays an important part in visualization, if you can remember a recent journey, say to work, the route, your actions on the journey, getting to your destination, the you are using visualization.

When you have finished creating or reviewing a desired goal or object, return the way you came, always finish where you started. Don't worry if this seems a little confusing, the examples I will give will clearly show what I mean.

Coming Back:
This is the point that you come back to waking reality, where you gradually become aware of your surroundings again.

Taking deep breaths and feeling extra energy return to your body. Try not to get up straight away if possible, but with everyday day concerns calling on our attention that is not always possible.

You will not have to go through this procedure every time you wish to use the Magic Mind Method, but it is useful for getting your desired goal created and made firm in your mind.

The following three exercises will help you exercise your imagination, prior to creating your personal imaginary space for use with the Magic Mind Method.

An Apple a Day:
I'm using an apple as the basic image, but any favorite fruit can be used. This exercise is very simple. You are going to imagine you are eating an apple. Using the above procedure, first get into a relaxed state, either sitting or laying down, although if you get too relaxed while laying down, you might drift into sleep, especially after a meal.

Once relaxed, just imagine an apple in your hand, I imagine a Red Golden Delicious, most red in color with specks of green. Imagine it floating in front of your eyes, turning in the air. Examine is shape, slightly rounder and fuller at the top where the stalk appears. Once its turned for you to examine, imagine you plucking it from mid-air, it might have been in the fridge, so it is slightly cool to the touch. Allow your hands to explore its contours, run the stalk through your fingers, bring it up to your nose and smell it. Then imagine you are taking a first bite, your teeth going deeper into the apple, the apple juice running down your chin. Let your mind remember the taste of an apple, its sweetness, how easy it is to chew. Smell the apple, its distinctive smell is now stronger since the skin has been pierced.

You may continue with this exercise for as long as you wish, the important part is trying to engage as many senses as you can. The more senses you can engage while visualizing your desired goal the more affect it will have on your Inner-Self.

Short Trip:
Sit down and relax. Now stand and go to another part of your house or apartment e.g. go to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water, have a drink, then return to your chair.

Now close your eyes and remember your short journey. As you remember rising from the chair, imagine the room in your mind. What other furniture is there, are there pictures on the wall. In your mind go into the kitchen, what do you see as you enter, are there any smells. Now imagine taking that drink of water, how does it feel and taste. Return to your chair, remembering how the chair looked in its surroundings. Gently sit and open your eyes.

In Touch with Nature:
Now create your own little trip that involves nature, perhaps a little job in the garden. A trip to a favorite spot in the forest or along the coast. This exercise allows you to feel connected to your environment, to make a connection with the world around us, this also allows you to feel closer to your Inner-Self.

We now create a personal space that can be used with the Magic Mind Method. Although this is my choice, you can also use it, the world you create is within your own mind, it has a connection only with your Inner and Higher-Self, so even though others may use similar images, they will always be unique to yourself.

But you don't have to have the same imaginary space as myself, you can choose whichever scenario you feel comfortable with, the most important part is how you feel about it. And the greater positive energy you can give to your imaginary world the better.

I call mine River World.

I won't give you every detail of my imaginary world, you can fill in details of your own, but it will give you the basic structure and design.

Of course, the first starting point is to relax. Find a place where you won't be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. Use deep breathing to not only relax your body, but to also calm your mind. You can't successfully explore your inner world if your mind is still full of the day's problems.

First imagine nothing, as if you're in a darkened room, the room is completely empty. As your eyes become accustomed to the darkness, you see the outline of a door, you walk across and open the door. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the light. You take a deep breath, the air is heavy with the scent of flowers, both familiar and unfamiliar, you're body relaxes even more.

You take in the full panorama surrounding you. The sky is mainly clear, very blue, with just the odd small wispy cloud strolling across the horizon. Your standing in a green field, your feet bare so you can feel the blades of grass in between your toes.

A short distance away there is a river, gently flowing and meandering through the fields. As you look along the rivers path you can see many fields that come to the waters edge. These fields then gently slope upwards, merging with hills and mountains. The world is filled with a mixture of vegetation both from your own locale and more exotic areas. You can also hear the pleasing sound of bird song. The temperature is just right, warm with a slight breeze, you see you are wearing just shorts and a t-shirt.

You walk towards the rivers edge, feeling the grass beneath your feet with the gentle sound of the river getting a little louder. As you approach the river to see a wooden landing stage and ready at the stage is a raft. Long and wide enough for you to stand, sit or lay down. The raft is made of papyrus, which is buoyant and soft.

You walk on to the raft and sit down, just by your thought alone the raft moves into the flow of the river and slowly moves forward. The speed of the raft is controlled by your will power. If you have the time, just meander along, imagining all forms of trees and flowers along the way. Lie back and watch the clouds drift by, hear the sound of the river as it splash's against the riverbank. The raft always keeps you in the center of the river as it turns round the bends. After traveling some distance you see a landing stage, all landing stages have a sign, you decide its message, this one simply says 'Home'. You decide to land the raft, it moves and stops at the landing stage. You get up and exit the raft. There is a field with a slight incline going upwards towards a log cabin. It's a simple cabin, a small porch with a door. You walk upwards towards the cabin and begin to breath a little deeper, a little longer, this begins to energize your body. As you go along, say to yourself,

'I am going back to my daily life, my mind is becoming alert to my everyday reality'.

Up the steps onto the porch, then open and enter the cabin, close the door behind you. The room is dark, take a final deep breath and say

'I now awake'.

Open your eyes you are now back in your own room.

Now this has established your imaginary world where you can create your desires for the Magic Mind Method. The more often you visit this world, the more your Inner-Self will come to understand, that the objects, desires, people, situations that you create in this world are those which you want to manifest in your everyday reality.

Next step, how to create your desires. Lets start with the example of a new car. Decide before hand if you want a particular car, or just a type e.g. four wheel drive or sports car. For this example I shall choose a sports car.

Material Objects:
The same procedure is used, first get comfortably, relax, when ready enter your imaginary world, call it by the name you have chosen. In this instance, go down to the raft and float down the river. Remember to use all your senses when traveling your world, engaging your senses will also engage your Inner-Self more closely.

When you are relaxed, just drift around the bend in the river and see a landing stage, next to the stage is a sign, which simply reads 'New Car'. Exit the raft and walk up a slight grassy incline to a log cabin. Log Cabins and more specifically the cabin door signal an entrance to a different imaginary world. Remember anything is possible with the imagination.

So you enter the log cabin door and step into a car showroom. Within the showroom are as many sports cars as you can imagine. Now examine them. Feel the cool metal, run your hand along the car's contours. Get in them, move the steering wheel, change gears, smell the leather seats, open and close the boot. Do all you would while examining a car in a showroom. Remember to use all of your senses.

When you have decided which car you would like, go to the salesman, don't talk about price etc simply imagine him giving you the keys to the car and saying, 'here are the keys to your new sports car sir'. This is the seminal point in the creation, the point at which you receive your new car. Now take a few deep breaths and engage your emotions, (see section 'Achievement Embrace'). Create this type of feeling at this point, the point of receiving your desire.

Now say to your Inner-Self,

'I command that this desire manifest within my reality',

repeat no less than seven times in order for your Inner-Self to fully understand your desire. Also say this affirmation with conviction. This stresses the importance of this desire/image on your Inner-Self. Now also thank your Inner and Higher-Self at this point for their help e.g.

'I thank you my Inner and Higher-Self for all your help in manifesting my desires'.

Now turn round, exit the showroom, you will come out onto the log cabin porch. Take a moment to view your surroundings, the cabin, the field in front leading to the river with the raft waiting for you at the landing stage. Go down towards the landing stage, remember to feel your surroundings, the grass beneath your feet, the soft breeze etc. Get onto the raft and move out into the flow of the river, you may drift for a while, or find a landing stage that says 'Home', at which point you would exit your world.

You may visit this desire as often as you like, but you must always try to follow the same procedure and routine in your fantasy, keep the desire as it is. If you wish to change it, for example in the above, you might decide on a different type of car. When entering your showroom, say to your Inner-Self

'I clear my last request and substitute it with this new desire', be clear to your Inner-Self that this is your new desire.

Relationships are the utmost importance to people, searching for that special person who will make their life complete or wanting to make their present relationship stronger and more loving. This example is primarily aimed at a man seeking a woman, but can be easily adapted for other combinations.

Sometimes a person will concentrate their attention on one person, perhaps somebody at work, the local gym or even a movie star. If you create a specific desire for that person and incorporate them in your fantasy world you may have problems with the 'freewill' of that other person. They may have no feelings for you at all. They may not even know you exist. Such focusing on one person may lead to nothing but frustration for you. A better approach is to open yourself to a loving relationship, expressing the need to your Inner and Higher-Self that you are ready and willing for love.

So if you seek a particular physical characteristic in your partner e.g. tall legged blond, BBW(Big Beautiful Woman), ethnic, long haired brunette or if your a woman, a tall dark and handsome chap. You can incorporate this feature in your desire, but try not to be too specifically focused on one type of person.

Now within your fantasy world, you would follow the same procedure as before, but come upon a landing stage that said 'Romance', or 'Love' or 'Passion'.

I've chosen 'Romance'. But you could choose 'Passion' if your need was primarily for a physical relationship. There are many people both male and female who only need this type of relationship in their lives, the Magic Mind Method helps you to seek such a person that also needs the same type of relationship as yourself.

As you exit the raft you start to walk up the grassy slope, at the top of the slope is a coppice, an enclosed area, surrounded by flowers, roses or perhaps some other favorite. You can smell the scent on the wind, you can see a picnic basket laid out on the grassy floor, a person is there, but their body is just blocked out of view by the flowers. You enter the coppice and there standing, ready to greet you is a lovely young woman, long flowing light brown hair gently curled, bright sparkling brown eyes smiling at you. She's wearing a light summer dress. Although you don't know this girl, she brings a feeling of love and tenderness to your heart that has never been matched. And you know your feelings are returned. It would be at this moment that you tell your Inner-Self that this is the type of girl and relationship that you seek.

If you agree simply seeking 'Passion', the image on the grassy knoll, may be that of a four-poster bed, the curtains around the bed are closed, as you approach you open the curtains to reveal your ideal lover, with very little on, ready to give you a night of passion you will never forget.

You see there are many ways you can frame your fantasy, but at some point you must freeze that frame and inform your Inner-Self that this is your desire that you want manifesting in your life.

You may be perfectly healthy already or you may have some ailment you wish to help cure.

Although it may seem strange, sometimes the Inner-Self allows the body to become ill for a particular reason. You may be rushing about in your life and need a rest, either physically or need a time for reflection. Sometimes a virus can help mutate and transform some of our DNA. So sometimes an illness can help us learn lessons in life. If using the Magic Mind Method does not help you cure yourself there may be a reason you are unaware of at the moment

I must also point out, that I do not advocate using the Magic Mind Method instead of any treatment you may already be using, if you are happy to follow your Doctor's advice, please remain and do so. The Magic Mind Method will help convince your Inner-Self of your desire to seek perfect health.

Follow the usual procedure until you come up on a landing stage marked 'Health'.

Walk up the bank into a glade, full of trees or flowers. Walk into the middle and relax, you can be seated or standing, whichever makes you feel more comfortably. Imagine a brilliant white light coming from above and flowing all over your body, this light is like a waterfall, flowing through your body and washing away all negative energies into the earth. Don't forget to feel happiness and joy at this point, letting your Inner-Self know how you want to feel with full and vital health.

When you feel happy, follow the procedure for leaving this area.


You design your reality, but your Inner and Higher-Self manifest it.

Energy follows where thought goes.

Be as clear as possible with your fantasies.

Engage all your emotions when visualizing a desire.

Remember to ask your Inner-Self to remember your desire, and thank your Inner-Self for their help.

You are responsible for the reality you live in.

Believe that you deserve the good things in life.

The more energy you give an image/thought the more effect it has on your life, even negative ones.

Have fun, fun, fun, enjoy your visualizations, don't be too serious.

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Magic Mind Method Part 5  



Definition of an Affirmation: a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.
Affirmations alone have the power to drastically change your life, the information in this chapter can be used by you throughout the day to bring about the changes you seek. Affirmations can also be used in conjunction with the Magic Mind Method to increase its power to manifest your desires.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting your desires because the Inner-Self cannot distinguish between our everyday reality and the suggestions it receives from the Ego/Conscious self.
Many health and sports professionals use Affirmations with their clients. Affirmations have been used with religious orders and organizations for centuries.
Affirmations affirm life, they are positive. Being positive they give extra energy to your life, extra energy in creating your desired reality.
Affirmations can be spoken, written or sung. In fact it is best to first write down the Affirmation while visualizing the desired outcome. If there is no desired objective and your affirmation is a general one, such as bringing peace and harmony into your life, then visualize a pure while light surrounding your whole body.

There are certain ways of phrasing Affirmations in order to make them effective.
Affirmations should never include negative words, only positive affirming words.
Don't include such words as 'not', 'no', 'don't' etc. This is because the Inner-Self does not recognize these negative words and only uses the positive or descriptive words. For example, if you want to give up smoking don't say
'I don't smoke now'.
This is interpreted as
'I smoke now'.
Instead try
'My lungs are clear of smoke, I feel healthy and vital'.
This one simple fact might explain why, when you have used affirmations, either consciously or unconsciously, they don't produce the desired positive effect. You may have unfittingly included negative words whiling trying for a positive outcome.

The use of 'I' and 'I am', is very powerful. It focuses the attention of the Inner-Self on the whole body, mind and spirit. It also brings the minds attention into the Present Tense.
All Affirmations must be in the Present Tense, the past or future takes you away from manifesting your desire. For example if you say
'I want a new Ford car'.
You will always be in a state of 'wanting', in a state of 'lacking', This is how your Inner-Self will interpret your desire. Your Inner-Self will keep you in a state of 'wanting' something. I cannot over emphasize this point, look at your life, how often are you 'wanting' something, are you always in the situation of 'wanting'?
Instead say
'I have a new Ford car here and now'.
It may be that your Conscious mind cannot accept the idea that you have a new car now, when you look out into your driveway and still see your battered old car. In this case, change the Affirmation into a 'command' statement. The Inner-Self can accept commands as statements in the present tense, so your new Affirmation would be
'I command a new Ford car, now' or
'I deserve a new Ford car now'.

You must give yourself permission to have whatever you desire in life, you have the right to happiness and success the same as any other person.
Now let us go through various examples of Affirmations and how they can relate to you creating your own reality.

But first, how often, and how many times should you repeat your Affirmation.
When creating a new Affirmation, especially for use with the Magic Mind Method, firstly write it down, this reinforces the Affirmation with the Inner-Self.
First time that you speak your Affirmation, either with the Magic Mind Method or as a separate Affirmation you wish to use in your everyday life, I like to speak it seven times. Others have suggested different repetitions, but seven has that associated 'magic' number about it, people always say 'lucky seven', your Inner-Self also knows the number seven is associated with luck. After the first time then repeat it however many times you feel is right, never neglect to use your own intuition. The more you repeat an Affirmation, the more you and your Inner-Self will accept it as true.

Many also advocate using your Affirmations when performing routine tasks, getting dressed, going to the toilet, cleaning the house or car, again this allows your Inner-Self to concentrate on the Affirmation while you perform a routine task. But I would not recommend doing it while needing to maintain your attention, such as driving a car. Although you could place your Affirmation on a tape and play it in the background.

You need to accept that not only can you change your life and reality, but also that you deserve to have happiness and the material things in life that create a better place for yourself, family, friends or even humanity.
'I deserve the abundance and joy that life gives me'
'I give myself permission to be happy and full of love for all'
'Life gives me everything I need to bring happiness to myself and others'
'As I receive life's abundance I shall also give to others what they need'
'I allow myself to live each moment in its highest truth, the truth that brings love and joy'
'As love flows from me to others, so I receive their love'
'My word is law in my life, by loving my reality I manifest all I need'
'I accept who I am, having patience allows me to create my reality'

The Body:
'I am in control of my health and energy'
'I have abundant energy, vitality and health'
'I have all the energy I need to make this day a success'
'I am always able to maintain my ideal weight'
'I love my body and my body cares for me'
'I deserve perfect health and vitality'
'I am healthy in all aspects of my being'

'I have all the resources to maintain my life in abundance'
'My work is always appreciated'
'I am a channel for joy and abundance'
'I create an abundance lifestyle'
'I always have enough money for my needs'

Everyday Living:
'I love and accept myself'
'I am at harmony with society'
'I am a unique and loving person'
'I harmonize with all the people around me'
'I am at peace with you universe'
'I surround myself with those I love'
'I trust my Inner-Self to help me during the day'

Peace and Harmony in your Life:
'I am at peace with myself'
'I love those around me and forgive them'
'I work in harmony and peace with those in my life'
'The more love I give to those around me the more love is returned'
'I express anger in appropriate ways'
'I give and receive love all the time no matter what is going on in my life'
'I express my emotions positively'
'Love is my life's currency'

Spiritual Affirmations:
'Love is eternal, my life reflects this truth'
'I am worthy of love'
'I am at one with the universe'
'I forgive those that harm me'
'I love my Inner-Self and receive love in return'
'I am responsible for my life and its needs'
'I create my own reality in love and harmony'

'Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, I am always balanced and centered'
'I deserve all the money I need for an abundant life'
'I receive money and give money to those that need it'
'I love how money can make my life abundant'

Reality Creator:
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I am a channel for Joy and Abundance’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I give Love, Love comes back to me’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I have all I require for a happy Life’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, My Psychic Abilities activate strongly’
‘I am a Reality Creator, I Create my Reality, I am a Lucky Person’

Words both spoken and thought have a deep effect on your Inner-Self.
The repetition of words and thoughts form the basis for new beliefs.
Your beliefs are reflected in your reality.
If you can try and put your conscious mind in your Solar Plexus (Yellow) Chakra while saying your Affirmation, it will have a more direct connection to your Inner-Self and consequently be more effective.

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Magic Mind Method Part 4  



Breathing, yes of course we do it, if not we'd be dead, obvious isn't it. But in the far east Breathing techniques have been used for thousands of years. Not only as a means of improving the health and vitality of both the body and mind, but also as a means of connecting to the Higher Spiritual Realms. In the far east the practice is called Pranayama and is an integral part of Hatha Yoga.
There must be a word of warning, to the uninitiated, using Pranayama techniques too vigorously or forcibly can cause damage to the heart, lungs or even mind. It is always best to practice these techniques gently, don't be in a rush, the benefits can last the whole of your life. And for your purposes, it is only the basic techniques that are needed to accumulate Qi (chee or chi) in the body for use by your Inner-Self to help manifest your desired reality. If over time you feel the benefit of these gentle exercises, then that is the time to explore this area in greater detail and to seek adequate instruction.

A Brief History of Pranayama and Qi Qong:
The Indians developed the idea of Prana, a semi-mystical life force that pervades the body, which is responsible for life, health and transcendence. The Chinese developed the idea of life force being Qi, a force that helps maintain end extend life. The Chinese concept is not as mystical as the Indian, but both arrived at a system that could benefit the body and mind using similar techniques.
Pranayama is a 'Sanskrit' word meaning 'control of breath'. Its essence lies in the modification of our normal process of breathing. Breathing is an act in which we take air from the atmosphere into our lungs, absorb the oxygen from it into our blood, and expel the air again into the atmosphere together with carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Pranayama consists of modifications of the breathing process, which we bring about deliberately and consciously. We can modify breathing in three different ways:
1. By inhaling and exhaling rapidly, taking shallow breaths.
2. By inhaling and exhaling slowly, taking long or deep breaths.
3. By stopping the act of breathing altogether.

We are primarily concerned with No 2. This type of breath control will allow us to create the necessary extra Qi(chee) within our bodies to help use the Magic Mind Method.
The original Prana breathing methods were part of the ancient Indian Vedas some 1200 to 1500 BC. The most sacred Indian text of the second century BC the 'Bhagavadgita' mentions Pranayama as a means of spiritual enlightenment. Although the process of spiritual enlightenment is far less easy to quantify, the use of Pranayama as a means of strengthening the health is well documented.

Pranayama breathing techniques are often used as a precursor to meditation.
Qi Qong, is similar to Pranayama in that Qi (chee) means breath or breath of life and 'Qong' means mental control over the body. It is believed that Qi Qong is even older than Pranayama and early breath control practices became an important part of Chinese medicine. When you next yawn, which might be now, seeing how we have mentioned it. Observe how you feel when the yawn has finished, your body will be relaxed, if you had any pain or discomfort, this would be alleviated for a few seconds. This is an example of how the changing of your normal breathing pattern can bring a change to your body conditions. The Chinese believe it is the disruption of the flow of Qi within the body that causes many diseases and the re-establishment of the Qi (energy) flows that can bring about an upturn in our well being.
Although we are only using certain breathing practices to give us extra Qi for our Magic Mind Method, using these practices on a daily basis can give us a good platform for strengthening our immune systems.

A word of caution, be very mindful when performing this Pranayama (Yoga Breathing Exercise), and return to normal breathing if you feel light-headed, dizzy, or faint. Remember we only need the basic breath control here, if you think Pranayama can bring you more benefits then look for one of the many good books available or better still join a class.

There are several postures recommended for Pranayama breathing exercises, most include the type of sitting with crossed legs that can be seen in many books or TV programs. Not many people have the time to spend learning how to achieve these postures, although they can prove beneficial. But to start your basic breathing exercise there is only one rule, 'NO slouching'. If you prefer to sit, keep a straight back, this will allow for the free passage of air between the throat, lungs and abdomen. Keeping a straight back will also keep your mind more alert. Although you can lie down if necessary, it is more difficult to do deep breathing while on your back, initially anyway. If you wish to learn about the other postures recommended, there are many good books available on Hatha Yoga.

Unless stated all inhalations and exhalations should be through your nostrils, this allows the body greater control over respiration.

Belly Breathing:
To do yoga belly breathing properly you should allow your lungs to fill from the bottom up, this will assure you of maximum air penetration and absorption. The lungs lay just behind the rib cage and are attached to the ribs, they are therefore pulled open and closed by them. If you are breathing only with the top half of the chest, the top of your lungs will open first so that the air fills them only up at the very top. If on the other hand you push your belly out as you inhale you will expand your diaphragm first. The lower ribs will then push out and open the lower portion of the lung first. The air will then rush down into them to fill the vacuum there and so fills your whole lung chamber from the bottom to the top. When you exhale, you are in effect reversing the process, by pulling the belly in at the end of the exhalation. This last movement pushes the air complexly out of the lower portion of your lungs and so pushes all the toxins of the used air out of your lungs. The Belly Breath can be used as the basic breath with the Magic Mind Method.
Don't worry if takes you a little time to practice and feel right when using this breathing method. When using the Magic Mind Method, any form of deep breathing will allow you to accumulate extra energy to use and create 'chi'.

Deeper, steady breathing can increase the amount of oxygen the body can use to burn out disease.
The use of Pranayama increase the amount of 'chi' the body can use, for health and spiritual matters.
'Chi' can be used by the Inner and Higher-Self to help manifest your desires.

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Magic Mind Method Part 3  



If you try to use the Magic Mind Technique when tired, irritated, annoyed or in any state that stops you from concentrating on your goal, the method will be less effective. Whenever you feel stressed, your muscles tighten and your mind begins to wonder, you begin thinking about the past or how you are to deal with a future situation, the last place your mind wants to be is in the 'present'. But it is while being in the 'present' that you can fully exploit the Magic Mind Method.
This chapter explores some common and not so common techniques for entering a relaxed state of mind and consequently a relaxed body, although some techniques start by relaxing the body and allowing the mind to follow.

In a relaxed state you are focused in the 'present', your Inner-Self also becomes quiet, like a child, ready to receive information or direction and in your case, ready to receive a 'command'. A 'command' that will direct your Inner-Self to help create your desired goal.
Also, learning to relax can have many other benefits in you life, it can create a feeling of confidence, giving an ability to cope with everyday pressure, including:
* Reduce unhealthy stress & anxiety
* Increase resistance to illness & disease
* Lower blood pressure
* Reduce the heart rate
* Relieve muscle tension
* Cope with medical problems, such as chronic pain or diabetes
* Prevent, manage & cope with migraine headaches
* Cope with extremely stressful or painful situations, such as childbirth.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Basic Method)
Get in a comfortable position. Take a deep breath and minimally tighten your right fist so that you feel only the smallest amount of tension. Hold it at this level. Be sure you continue to breathe... Begin to exhale while letting go and relax... Observe the difference in feelings between the right and left arm and fist.
Take a deep breath and now minimally tighten your left fist. Hold at this level so that you just feel the tightening... Begin to exhale while letting go and relax. Let the relaxation spread through the arms and the rest of the body.
Now tighten ever so slightly the following parts of your body, remembering to take a deep breath first, then exhale when relaxing.
Each time tighten only to the point at which you can observe tension, where you become conscious of or can "feel" the tension. Hold the tensions at that level, and be sure you tighten only the intended muscle while the rest of the body stays quiet and relaxed. Be sure you continue to breathe deep when applying tension then exhale when relaxing. Each time you let go, let those parts relax further and further. Tighten ever so slightly your scalp... let go and relax... Let the face become smooth and soft... Let the eyes sink into their sockets... Now slightly tighten the throat and neck. Hold it... Let go and relax.
Take a deep breath and minimally tighten the triceps. Be sure the neck eyes and tongue are relaxed... Let go.
Take a deep breath and raise your shoulders to your ears minimally. Be sure the neck stays loose. Observe how the shoulders feel different from the rest of the body... Let go and relax. Feel the relaxation sinking through the body... Minimally tighten the stomach. Keep breathing... Let go and relax. Minimally tighten the buttocks... Let go and relax. Minimally tighten the feet, calves, and thighs... Let go and relax. Let yourself reach an even deeper level of relaxation, a calmness and serenity.
Take a deep breath and minimally tense every muscle in your body so that you just feel the minimum tension... jaws... eyes... shoulders... arms... chest... back... legs... stomach... Be sure you keep breathing. Feel the minimum tension in every part... Let your whole body relax. Feel a wave of calmness as you stop tensing.
The order in which you apply muscle tension is not important, although most people start with the feet and finish with the head, as long as you reach every area of your body, the method will work.

Now, with your eyes closed, take a deep breath and hold it. Note all the minimum tensions... Exhale and feel the relaxation and calmness developing... Note the feeling of heaviness.
At this point you can also apply a relaxation command word or phrase. It can be anything you wish, e.g. 'total relaxation', 'peaceful flow' etc, each time you practice the relaxation exercise say to yourself when starting 'I now enter (total relaxation)'. This will train your mind into entering this state of relaxation more quickly and completely.

Although a drink of alcohol can often help us to relax, I would advise against any before performing the Magic Mind Method. Alcohol can stop our energies from moving smoothly to the Inner-Self. I'm not advocating you stop consuming alcohol, just that you have none prior to performing the Magic Mind Method. You are far more sensitive to your energies when no alcohol is within your body.

A Good Long Bath:
We all know how relaxing a nice long bath can be, your troubles just seem to float away. Try adding 'sea' or 'dead sea' salt, as well as helping to relax, it's also very good at cleansing the skin. Eastern philosophies believe it helps to remove negative energies from the body. In the West, Salt has long been used as protection against evil spirits.

A Long Walk:
As long as the weather is fine, a long brisk walk stimulates the nervous system, when returning home, the body is able to relax while the mind stays alert.

Nature All Around:
Whenever we walk, run or simply sit surrounded by Nature, all our muscles, internal organs and mind become synchronized with Natures vibrations and rhythm. Try sitting with your back against an Oak tree. The tree is able to absorb negative energies and ground them into the earth.
Music to Tame the Savage Beast:
We all have our favorite piece of music that allows us to drift and relax in a timeless daze.

Deep Breathing:
see the section on Breathing.

Stretching Exercises:
Although simple, stretching our limps and muscles is a very effective method for relaxing. Whenever we encounter stress our muscles and joints automatically become stiff, stretching allows the energy to flow without blockage.

Meditation and Self-Hypnosis:
These two methods can be extremely beneficial to both the body and mind. Not just for relaxing but in creating a confidence that has the potential to transform the whole of your life. But they are beyond the scope of this ebook, although many sites on the net contain good advice on these subjects.

As with meditation the benefits are extensive, but beyond this ebook, but I would highly recommend you try Yoga if not already doing so. Hatha Yoga is aimed at relaxing the body. Raja Yoga is more for the mind.

see section on Visualization to help you relax.

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Magic Mind Method Part 2  


The Basic Method

The following describes the Magic Mind Method. Where needed references are made to basic exercises found in other sections. Although when first read this method may seem fairly simple, make no mistake, if used correctly it has the power to change your life.

Definition of the word 'Method': a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps).

While learning the Magic Mind Method the following steps need to be done in the order they are described. At a later date when you are familiar with the process, then you can miss some steps when quickly creating energy for your goal or desire.

Preliminary Steps:
Forgiveness: We are going to ask our Inner and Higher Selves to create our desires, to form a new reality for us. This process may also include having others in life, help us in some way, perhaps with information or material help.
If we have too many conflicts with other people this may cause a blockage in allowing the free flow of energy to our desired result.
Take a little time to Forgive yourself for wrongs you may have done to others, and ask mentally their Forgiveness for what you may have done. Forgive them for any wrongs they may have done against yourself.
You don't have to remember each instance, but be satisfied that you are changing the way you approach people. You can use the Forgiveness Affirmation in the Affirmations section or create one of your own.
You do not have to go through this Forgiveness ritual each time you use the Magic Mind Method, but the occasional use will certainly not do you any harm, in fact quite the opposite.

STEP 1. (Visualization)
Clarity: Be clear in your mind of the desired result you want to create, have that image ready. Have the image of your desire sealed in your mind.

Relax: Find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed for 10-15 minutes. If you are at home, a peaceful area that can be used each time, at work a storeroom or washroom, even in public places sometimes you can find a spot where nobody will disturb you. But when first practicing the Method, home is usually best suited.
Now sit comfortably as possible, again while learning the Method standing or lying down can be too distracting.

STEP 3. (Breathing)
Now take a deep, slow breath, hold the breath for a few seconds, imagine the energy from the breath spreading to all your body. Then let the breath go slowly, saying at the same time.
'I am relaxed, my body, mind and spirit are relaxed'

Take a few more deep breaths and feel your body being both energized and relaxed at the same time.
Each time you release the breath say.
'My body is full of energy, my mind is clear'

STEP 4. (Chakras)
Now imagine your desire, the image you created earlier, the image you wish to manifest. Imagine that image being in your Yellow (Solar Plexus) Chakra, that area about two inches below your rib cage. It is this Chakra that connects us from our conscious/ego mind, through the Inner-Self (sub-conscious) to the Higher-Self (super conscious). Take a deep breath, imagine energy surrounding your desired image in the Yellow Chakra, hold the breath for a few seconds, then breathe slowly out. Repeat this process at least two more times.
Say while you releasing your breath.
'I see a clear picture of my desire'.

Then imagine your desire within a round bubble of energy, take several deep breathes, at least four, while holding the vision of your desire in the Solar Plexus Chakra. Then while you are imagining this happening saying either mentally or out load:-
'I ask my Inner-Self to deliver my desire to my Higher-Self with a generous amount of my energy. I thank my Higher-Self for creating this reality for me.'

Now imagine a stream of while light, rushing from your Solar Plexus, up thru your body along the spine and out of the right side of your brain thru the top of your head. This white light also contains your desire/image, it is being transported to your Higher-Self. The image and an amount of Pranic energy to help manifest your chosen reality.

STEP 6. (Affirmations)
State your desire within the brackets. Repeat this affirmation 7 times. As you become familiar with affirmations you can substitute your own here.
'I COMMAND that (..state your desire...) becomes part of my reality NOW'

If you are alone this can be said aloud, otherwise repeat it mentally.

Now take a few deep breaths and then go about your business, leave it alone, try not to think of your desire anymore that day. Like a seed it needs time to grow and mature, over watering can be as bad as no water at all.

Everyday like a ritual, perform the Magic Mind Method again, follow Steps 1-6, with the exception of the affirmation in Step 5. Substitute this Affirmation:
'I now send my Higher-Self this gift of energy so that it may create my reality day by day.'

You now have the power with this basic Magic Mind Method to change your life, but certain requests may take time, have patience.
As with any venture, the more enthusiasm you have, the more likelihood the success of the venture. Having a strong desire for the request to work, especially when creating the Pranic energy to give to your Higher-Self, this will increase the effectiveness of the desired result.
You can perform the ritual several times a day, but once performed forget about it and get on with your daily tasks. You must allow your Higher-Self time to re-organize your reality. You must allow things to happen in an organic manner.

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Magic Mind Method Part 1  


A Free Manifestation Course (Introduction).

Creating your own reality, manifesting your deepest desires only requires that you understand the mechanics of the Universal Law. Because this Law is indestructible and applies to all life forms within our world and Universe, it is both timeless and limitless. In fact its like planting a seed and letting it grow, making sure it has enough water to feed and nourish the new plant.
The Universal Law has been used by miracle makers and secret societies both past and present. Yet it is not taught in our modern society, we are only taught what science can prove with logic. But there is a greater logic, that of the Universal Mind, which is available to anyone who wishes to use it. In fact you use it each and everyday, but are unaware you are using it. Those that wish to keep all the riches and power for themselves have tried throughout history to stop information about the Universal Law from reaching the public.
The Magic Mind Method shows you how simple it is to use the Universal Law to help your life gain riches, love, wisdom, in fact whatever you seek. The Universal Law has no moral aspect, it is simply a way of creating reality, you must decide if what you create is of benefit to yourself and others. The two most important aspects about the Universal Law which you must remember, is that it has limitless potential and it is impartial.
The Universal Law has been created by the Universal Mind/Consciousness, All That Is, God, the name we give it may vary, but we all recognize it as the Intelligence that created US and the Universe. Even if your an atheist the Universal Law still applies and using the Magic Mind Method can be used to benefit your life.
The Universal Power is a part of all things, it consumes our very being, so by identifying with this power we can learn to use it, to tap into its limitless possibilities.
In the Bible when God identifies himself and when Jesus talks about who he is, the phrase 'I AM WHO AM' is used. If you use this as your mantra, it identifies you as part of the Universal Mind, it says, 'I am eternal, I am beautiful, I am part of the Universal Being'. This phrase/Affirmation can be used no matter your religious belief or philosophy, The Universal Law applies to all.
Because the Universal Law is impartial, unemotional, indiscriminate it has no way of knowing your desires. It has no way of understanding what might be good or bad for you, it simply creates what you desire, it manifests your reality, it reflects your hopes and fears, which is why you must take note of the phrase 'Be careful what you wish for, it might come true'.
Therefore the key to using the Universal Law is to understand that it is your beliefs that create the thoughts and fantasies that the Universal Law uses to create your reality. If you can control your beliefs and clearly state your new desires then the Universal Law will manifest those within your life.
This course is not about conspiracy theories, there are many sites on the Internet that cater for those who seek a different kind of truth.
But take a moment to reflect on human history. For the last ten thousand years at least, we see that a few people have tried to control the rest of society. Pharaohs in Egypt, Emperors in Rome, Kings and Queens in the United Kingdom, religious philosophies etc. Today we have Industrialists and Politicians, all seeking to control us, to keep us in servitude or debt.
We are only ever taught what we must do, pay our taxes, keep increasing our credit debt, our boundaries are always taught as limiting, we are never taught about the vast potential we have. If all the people were taught from early in life about the Universal Law and how to use it, would society be the same as now, I think not. I don't know if it would be better or worse, but I know you would not have a minority of people controlling society for their own purpose, each of us would have a collective responsibility to help each other as well as helping ourselves. It is for this reason that the secret societies and elite have tried to keep such knowledge for themselves. It is now time you took what is yours by birthright, the ability to create and manifest your own reality using the Universal Law. The Magic Mind Method uses the Universal Law.

Remember 'it is nowhere written that you have to suffer to live'.

The technique for creating your own reality, acquiring what you desire in life, is part of your nature. On a deeper level you use this method or procedure every day, but are not consciously aware of its existence. Many of your situations or experiences in life are created with this Method by your Inner and Higher-Self. This is the distillation of the process that you use every minute of the day, it is a method that if followed and used by you each day or whenever possible, has the power to change your life completely. You create your future every minute of the day and night, but do you choose it, how many times do you allow others to make the choice for you, isn't it about time you started to choose and create the reality you really deserve.

You can start to use the Magic Mind Method immediately, but it would be preferable to read the accompanying sections, firstly to understand the 'basic exercises' used with the Magic Mind Method and secondly to understand how all the exercises can fit together to increase the power available to the Magic Mind Method.

Two points to remember while going through the rest of this course. Firstly, be totally aware of that which you wish to create or manifest. If your desire becomes manifest, how will it affect the rest of your life or family, is it really what you want, these are the type of questions you must ask and answer yourself.
Secondly, energy, in order to manifest your reality, you need energy. You have to supply the energy that the Inner and Higher Selves can use to manifest your reality using the Universal Law. The Magic Mind Method shows you how to use the simplest and most readily available energy available to you each and every moment of the day.

Freewill is a right of each human upon this planet, you can exercise your right by using your freewill to create your own destiny and reality. If you don't exercise your right, others will exercise that right for you and do you think they will have your best interests at heart ?

You may have often heard the phrase 'you are what you believe', isn't it time you started to believe in the power within you. Power that has been waiting to be activated on your behalf. You have within, all you need to create your own reality, to manifest what you desire, so start to use it NOW!

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