Magic Mind Method Part 1
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Creating your own reality, manifesting your deepest desires only requires that you understand the mechanics of the Universal Law. Because this Law is indestructible and applies to all life forms within our world and Universe, it is both timeless and limitless. In fact its like planting a seed and letting it grow, making sure it has enough water to feed and nourish the new plant.
The Universal Law has been used by miracle makers and secret societies both past and present. Yet it is not taught in our modern society, we are only taught what science can prove with logic. But there is a greater logic, that of the Universal Mind, which is available to anyone who wishes to use it. In fact you use it each and everyday, but are unaware you are using it. Those that wish to keep all the riches and power for themselves have tried throughout history to stop information about the Universal Law from reaching the public.
The Magic Mind Method shows you how simple it is to use the Universal Law to help your life gain riches, love, wisdom, in fact whatever you seek. The Universal Law has no moral aspect, it is simply a way of creating reality, you must decide if what you create is of benefit to yourself and others. The two most important aspects about the Universal Law which you must remember, is that it has limitless potential and it is impartial.
The Universal Law has been created by the Universal Mind/Consciousness, All That Is, God, the name we give it may vary, but we all recognize it as the Intelligence that created US and the Universe. Even if your an atheist the Universal Law still applies and using the Magic Mind Method can be used to benefit your life.
The Universal Power is a part of all things, it consumes our very being, so by identifying with this power we can learn to use it, to tap into its limitless possibilities.
In the Bible when God identifies himself and when Jesus talks about who he is, the phrase 'I AM WHO AM' is used. If you use this as your mantra, it identifies you as part of the Universal Mind, it says, 'I am eternal, I am beautiful, I am part of the Universal Being'. This phrase/Affirmation can be used no matter your religious belief or philosophy, The Universal Law applies to all.
Because the Universal Law is impartial, unemotional, indiscriminate it has no way of knowing your desires. It has no way of understanding what might be good or bad for you, it simply creates what you desire, it manifests your reality, it reflects your hopes and fears, which is why you must take note of the phrase 'Be careful what you wish for, it might come true'.
Therefore the key to using the Universal Law is to understand that it is your beliefs that create the thoughts and fantasies that the Universal Law uses to create your reality. If you can control your beliefs and clearly state your new desires then the Universal Law will manifest those within your life.
This course is not about conspiracy theories, there are many sites on the Internet that cater for those who seek a different kind of truth.
But take a moment to reflect on human history. For the last ten thousand years at least, we see that a few people have tried to control the rest of society. Pharaohs in Egypt, Emperors in Rome, Kings and Queens in the United Kingdom, religious philosophies etc. Today we have Industrialists and Politicians, all seeking to control us, to keep us in servitude or debt.
We are only ever taught what we must do, pay our taxes, keep increasing our credit debt, our boundaries are always taught as limiting, we are never taught about the vast potential we have. If all the people were taught from early in life about the Universal Law and how to use it, would society be the same as now, I think not. I don't know if it would be better or worse, but I know you would not have a minority of people controlling society for their own purpose, each of us would have a collective responsibility to help each other as well as helping ourselves. It is for this reason that the secret societies and elite have tried to keep such knowledge for themselves. It is now time you took what is yours by birthright, the ability to create and manifest your own reality using the Universal Law. The Magic Mind Method uses the Universal Law.
Remember 'it is nowhere written that you have to suffer to live'.
The technique for creating your own reality, acquiring what you desire in life, is part of your nature. On a deeper level you use this method or procedure every day, but are not consciously aware of its existence. Many of your situations or experiences in life are created with this Method by your Inner and Higher-Self. This is the distillation of the process that you use every minute of the day, it is a method that if followed and used by you each day or whenever possible, has the power to change your life completely. You create your future every minute of the day and night, but do you choose it, how many times do you allow others to make the choice for you, isn't it about time you started to choose and create the reality you really deserve.
You can start to use the Magic Mind Method immediately, but it would be preferable to read the accompanying sections, firstly to understand the 'basic exercises' used with the Magic Mind Method and secondly to understand how all the exercises can fit together to increase the power available to the Magic Mind Method.
Two points to remember while going through the rest of this course. Firstly, be totally aware of that which you wish to create or manifest. If your desire becomes manifest, how will it affect the rest of your life or family, is it really what you want, these are the type of questions you must ask and answer yourself.
Secondly, energy, in order to manifest your reality, you need energy. You have to supply the energy that the Inner and Higher Selves can use to manifest your reality using the Universal Law. The Magic Mind Method shows you how to use the simplest and most readily available energy available to you each and every moment of the day.
Freewill is a right of each human upon this planet, you can exercise your right by using your freewill to create your own destiny and reality. If you don't exercise your right, others will exercise that right for you and do you think they will have your best interests at heart ?
You may have often heard the phrase 'you are what you believe', isn't it time you started to believe in the power within you. Power that has been waiting to be activated on your behalf. You have within, all you need to create your own reality, to manifest what you desire, so start to use it NOW!
Q. What is PyraBang?
A. It's the New Media! PyraBang is a brand new science called "information economy."
Imagine a world where anyone is able to almost instantly inform everyone else about breaking news, revolutionary new products and services that improve their lives without having to go through the bottleneck that is the main stream media! Imagine also a world where it costs nothing, or you actually make a profit by getting the word out! That is what we are creating with PyraBang!
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