
Magic Mind Method Part 12  


Health Matters.

When you feel healthy, full of the joys of spring, you think you can achieve anything. You can tackle anything the world throws at you. But, when your full of a cold, got a touch of flu, caught a virus etc, you just want to curl up and go to bed, quite a natural reaction. And these days there seems to be more viruses floating around than at any other time we can remember.
The following is by no means an exhaustive list, just a guide which may give you food for thought.

I must worn you now that the following are not claims by myself as to their medicinal properties, I make no claims of cures by these substances or food stuffs. Where I have used them I can only state the reaction my body had, which in some cases is coincidental with the illness being cured. I also only briefly touch on the substance/food in general I leave it up to you to do your own research on such food supplements or recipes.

I've included some helpful websites, I have no association with these sites, nor make any money in commissions from products which they may stock.

Colloidal Silver:
I've used it for the last five years, whenever I've caught a virus and used ‘Colloidal Silver’, coincidentally the virus has been killed within 24-36 hours. I totally recommend this substance for your research.

As championed by Dr Hulda Clark. Much of her research work for this product concern cancer, I have not had cancer so cannot vouch for such claims. But it is also claimed that this device can alleviate 'asthma', I have 'asthma' and have used this device. And coincidentally when using this device with an 'asthma' attack it has alleviated my breathing problems.

Urine Therapy:
Urine therapy is used extensively in various Asian countries, by drinking or topical (rubbing into you skin) use. It should be noted that it is the use of your own urine and not another's. Many medical internet sites will show that our own urine is a very pure product. It contains many vitamins and hormones that might otherwise be lost to the body. I have drunk my own urine on many occasions and used it to help fight viruses. Also I used to have 'eczema' as a child. When I matured most the eczema disappeared. But I was left with a very severe patch on my elbow. No creams from the Doctor could cure it. But I started to place my own urine on it as many times a day as possible, within two weeks the eczema had disappeared and I have not had any problems since. That was 7 years ago.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum):
Perhaps the single most wonderful and most beneficial herb in the entire herbal kingdom is Capsicum, or Cayenne Red Pepper. Many herbalists have said that if they could have only one herb to work with, they would choose Capsicum.



Recommended Diet:
For those of you looking for a suggested diet, we recommend the following:

* Consume a diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods (whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc.)

* Reduce (or eliminate, if possible) your intake of refined sugar.

* Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

* Avoid animal products, with the possible exception of cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, halibut, etc.).

* Eliminate dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol.

* Eliminate coffee (besides caffeine, there are a host of other chemicals poisoning your body). Try the many varieties of herbal tea available.

* Avoid soft drinks completely.

* Avoid white bread and refined flour products. They are devoid of essential nutrients, including omega-3 essential fatty acids and others.

* Avoid margarine and all commercial cooking oils. Use Butter and Organic cold pressed Olive oil instead.

* Consume organic Flax Seed Oil and cold fish oil (MAX EPA) daily.

* Consume Miso soup, kelp, and shitake mushrooms regularly.

* Brown Rice is better than white rice.

* Buy organic foods (especially produce) whenever possible.

* Get regular exercise.

* Perform a relaxation exercise (deep/focused breathing, meditation, tai chi, visualization, prayer, etc.) 10 to 15 minutes each day.

All forms of exercise, especially Yoga, Tai Chi.

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