Magic Mind Method Part 7
0 commentsAchievement Embrace.
I call this the ‘Achievement Embrace’, you may give it any name with which you feel comfortable. But make no mistake this is a very powerful technique for increasing the power of your desired goal and an important part of the Magic Mind Method.
It uses one of the fundamental energy forces of our reality, that being Emotion. We know how powerful and disturbing our emotions can be, but also how they can help us to overcome the most extreme tests of character. And the two most powerful emotions, two sides of the same coin are of course LOVE and Hate.
As you read those two words LOVE and Hate, your mind is already thinking of times when you have experienced both, yes even hatred, we all have those moments, if we haven't then why be on this Earth and be part of an emotional experience. You would have to be a Saint or a hermit living in a Himalayan cave to have perfect control of your emotions. Are emotions need to be expressed, even those of anger, but hopefully expressed in an appropriate way. And if you have had those moments of hatred, then simply let them go, forgive yourself for those moments of hatred, send Love to those you have wronged and then let it go, don't bash yourself up about it.
But we are concerned here with those moments of Love, we can all think of experiences of Love, the Love of our family, friends, God, Allah etc. But the Love that we need for the Magic Mind Method is Self-Love. Not the Love we might have for our body, mind or spirit, but the Love we have felt in Achievement.
Think back, recently or at anytime in the past, remember a time when you achieved something that made you very happy, an event perhaps, sporting or otherwise. An award received, something you made, a DIY project at home. The birth of a child, concentrate on that moment. Use your imagination to take yourself back to that moment. Re-live your feelings of Love, Joy and Achievement. Remember the sense of fulfillment at your achievement. Now let those feelings and your accompanying images be released from your mind. But later on in the day, do the process again, this time you might feel the emotions come quicker, the images are already there, waiting to be experienced. Do this several times over a couple of days. You are conditioning your Inner-Self, to remember and experience those feeling of Joy quickly, to associate any action you perform with that achievement. As you remember this experience, try and isolate those feelings of love and joy, concentrate on the emotion instead of the images. The images are there only to trigger the emotional feeling. You want to be able to create those emotional feelings and apply them to any image of your desire.
Now when you perform Step 6 of the Magic Mind Method try to bring those feelings of Love and Joy of your achievement to your mind while visualizing your desire and saying the Affirmation. By associating a period when you were happy in achieving a goal in life, associating that feeling with your newly desired reality, you are telling your Inner-Self you want to feel that same Joy again with this new desire. Your Inner-Self will try to create your new reality for you in order to feel that Joy of achievement again. Your Inner-Self love that feeling of Joy. Like a child wanting to feel happy and loved when doing something right. Don't neglect your emotions when creating your new reality. They are the fuel that burns the creation from the higher spiritual realm.
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