Magic Mind Method Part 2
0 commentsThe Basic Method
The following describes the Magic Mind Method. Where needed references are made to basic exercises found in other sections. Although when first read this method may seem fairly simple, make no mistake, if used correctly it has the power to change your life.
Definition of the word 'Method': a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps).
While learning the Magic Mind Method the following steps need to be done in the order they are described. At a later date when you are familiar with the process, then you can miss some steps when quickly creating energy for your goal or desire.
Preliminary Steps:
Forgiveness: We are going to ask our Inner and Higher Selves to create our desires, to form a new reality for us. This process may also include having others in life, help us in some way, perhaps with information or material help.
If we have too many conflicts with other people this may cause a blockage in allowing the free flow of energy to our desired result.
Take a little time to Forgive yourself for wrongs you may have done to others, and ask mentally their Forgiveness for what you may have done. Forgive them for any wrongs they may have done against yourself.
You don't have to remember each instance, but be satisfied that you are changing the way you approach people. You can use the Forgiveness Affirmation in the Affirmations section or create one of your own.
You do not have to go through this Forgiveness ritual each time you use the Magic Mind Method, but the occasional use will certainly not do you any harm, in fact quite the opposite.
STEP 1. (Visualization)
Clarity: Be clear in your mind of the desired result you want to create, have that image ready. Have the image of your desire sealed in your mind.
Relax: Find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed for 10-15 minutes. If you are at home, a peaceful area that can be used each time, at work a storeroom or washroom, even in public places sometimes you can find a spot where nobody will disturb you. But when first practicing the Method, home is usually best suited.
Now sit comfortably as possible, again while learning the Method standing or lying down can be too distracting.
STEP 3. (Breathing)
Now take a deep, slow breath, hold the breath for a few seconds, imagine the energy from the breath spreading to all your body. Then let the breath go slowly, saying at the same time.
'I am relaxed, my body, mind and spirit are relaxed'
Take a few more deep breaths and feel your body being both energized and relaxed at the same time.
Each time you release the breath say.
'My body is full of energy, my mind is clear'
STEP 4. (Chakras)
Now imagine your desire, the image you created earlier, the image you wish to manifest. Imagine that image being in your Yellow (Solar Plexus) Chakra, that area about two inches below your rib cage. It is this Chakra that connects us from our conscious/ego mind, through the Inner-Self (sub-conscious) to the Higher-Self (super conscious). Take a deep breath, imagine energy surrounding your desired image in the Yellow Chakra, hold the breath for a few seconds, then breathe slowly out. Repeat this process at least two more times.
Say while you releasing your breath.
'I see a clear picture of my desire'.
Then imagine your desire within a round bubble of energy, take several deep breathes, at least four, while holding the vision of your desire in the Solar Plexus Chakra. Then while you are imagining this happening saying either mentally or out load:-
'I ask my Inner-Self to deliver my desire to my Higher-Self with a generous amount of my energy. I thank my Higher-Self for creating this reality for me.'
Now imagine a stream of while light, rushing from your Solar Plexus, up thru your body along the spine and out of the right side of your brain thru the top of your head. This white light also contains your desire/image, it is being transported to your Higher-Self. The image and an amount of Pranic energy to help manifest your chosen reality.
STEP 6. (Affirmations)
State your desire within the brackets. Repeat this affirmation 7 times. As you become familiar with affirmations you can substitute your own here.
'I COMMAND that (..state your desire...) becomes part of my reality NOW'
If you are alone this can be said aloud, otherwise repeat it mentally.
Now take a few deep breaths and then go about your business, leave it alone, try not to think of your desire anymore that day. Like a seed it needs time to grow and mature, over watering can be as bad as no water at all.
Everyday like a ritual, perform the Magic Mind Method again, follow Steps 1-6, with the exception of the affirmation in Step 5. Substitute this Affirmation:
'I now send my Higher-Self this gift of energy so that it may create my reality day by day.'
You now have the power with this basic Magic Mind Method to change your life, but certain requests may take time, have patience.
As with any venture, the more enthusiasm you have, the more likelihood the success of the venture. Having a strong desire for the request to work, especially when creating the Pranic energy to give to your Higher-Self, this will increase the effectiveness of the desired result.
You can perform the ritual several times a day, but once performed forget about it and get on with your daily tasks. You must allow your Higher-Self time to re-organize your reality. You must allow things to happen in an organic manner.
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