
Magic Mind Method Part 13  



There is a belief by many metaphysical thinkers that we create our reality within our ‘dream time’. If we do indeed connect with our Inner and Higher Selves within our dream periods then it is more than possible that certain dreams can help create our reality. So use ‘dream time’ to help create your desired reality.

Don't just drift off aimlessly into sleep, empower and command your dreams to manifest your reality. How can you do this ?

Do you need to remember your dreams in order for them to work on your behalf ?

No you don't. Science shows us that most people have on average about eight dreams per night, but rarely remember even one. But if you can remember your dreams they can impart valuable information that may help manifest your desire or aid you in your daily life.

Also, there are several different types of dream.

'What a day' dream types:

Quite often through the day there are unresolved issues, not necessary bad issues, just questions left unanswered, situations not quite understood. They are often pondered within the dreamscape in order to bring some form of closure or answer to the question. If you can resolve these issues before going to sleep, that will allow greater freedom to use your dreams for reality creation.

We can't always solve all our problems before sleep of course, but if you just relax using techniques within this manual, especially breathing exercises, that is the first stage. Then simply review the past day, its highs and lows, forgive anyone who annoyed you, say sorry to anyone who you annoyed. Forgive yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes, but know you are capable of so much within this universe.

This exercise in itself will allow many of the 'what a day' dreams to resolve themselves before sleep.

'Information from above' dream types:

There can be several types of this dream.

You may have been struggling with a problem, could be work related, family related, trying to think of a new invention or design etc. And then the dream provides an answer, sometimes the answer is a little cryptic, but there are many examples of this type of dream on the Internet.

There is the type of dream that is providing information about something in your life that you may be unaware of, it may be information or guidance that will help you progress along life's journey. You really need to remember, write down this type of dream in order to analyze and understand it.

Then there is the 'prophetic' dream, a vision of future events. Some are merely inner fears manifesting in your dreams. During the 'Cuban missile' crisis many people had dreams of nuclear wars, these just reflect natural concerns for ourselves and family. But other dreams do actually show the 'potential' future. Again many claim to have dreamt of events, most normally disasters or tragedies. I will leave you to decide if you believe in this type of dream. I personally do, I've dreamt of the death of close loved ones and also dreamt of simple events that mean something to myself, but perhaps nothing to others.

So how can you help to manifest your desired reality within your dreams ?

Although not necessary it is most helpful if you can remember your dreams. Get into a routine of writing your dreams down in a dream journal, as you know, dreams quickly fad from memory. To help you remember dreams, as you are about to go to sleep, do several deep breathing exercises while lying down and put your attention on your Solar Plexus Chakra at the same time. This gives your Inner-Self the extra energy it needs to help keep the dream in your conscious mind for a little longer when first waking. This one tip alone can help considerably. When I use this before going to sleep I can sometimes remember up to six dreams upon waking, but sometimes none at all.

As you start to drift off into sleep concentrate on your desire, your immediate goal that you are using the Magic Mind Method. You can imagine the exact image/fantasy you are using with the Method, this will help reinforce your desire/goal with your Inner-Self. It will allow a conscious connection between your waking and sleep times.

Remember, those who dare to dream, create their life anew each day.

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