Magic Mind Method Part 14
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I've been asked and indeed asked myself is there any part of the Magic Mind Method that is more important.
It is important to have a clear image of your desire or goal. It is very necessary to give enough extra energy (prana, chi) to the Inner-Self so that it can be delivered to the Higher-Self.
You need to feel happy and joyful about your desire being made manifest. If the Magic Mind Method is followed it will work, it has for many people.
But to radically alter your life you must believe you are a creator. That you alone can create your reality. You may not believe it at the beginning, but by using the Magic Mind Method and gradually having more and more success, you will believe that you have the right and ability to create your reality. And after having personal success, by joining with others you can help to make the world a better place. There is no shame in wanting material abundance for you, your family and friends, the Magic Mind Method can help you achieve your goals. But also spare a thought for the other person, tell them about the Magic Mind Method, allow them to create their reality, by helping others we help ourselves to better understanding of our place in the Universe. Remember you can use the Magic Mind Method for spiritual understanding as well as material abundance.
May your God be with you.
Also referred to as the 'Sub-Conscious' by western Psychologists.
Webster's Dictionary defines the sub-conscious as:-
'Occurring without the possibility or the fact of an attendant consciousness; said of states of the soul'.
I use the term Inner-Self so as to not identify with any particular form of psychology or religious belief. It is not the 'soul' as understood by most religious beliefs, but an 'intelligence' that connects to the Higher-Self.
The Inner-Self does not have the ability to reason and discriminate like the Conscious or Ego mind. You make the decisions that the Inner-Self must follow. It is not like an 'adult', more like a 'child', sometimes the Inner-Self is referred to as the Inner Child.
The Inner-Self is often believed to be the opposite gender to our body e.g. if you are male the Inner-Self is female in orientation, this allows for as certain amount of balance within our conscious levels of being. It believes what you tell it, your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions all impress upon the Inner-Self. The Inner-Self then communicates with the Higher-Self using symbols and imagery, which allows the Higher-Self to create your reality. The Inner-Self makes no judgments upon the information supplied by your conscious mind. If you keep repeating an action or thought that is making your life miserable, the Inner-Self has no control over this, it cannot take action or create a reality that has not been provided by yourself, even if another course of action would make your life more pleasant. You have 'freewill', the choices in life are always yours, no matter what circumstances you have found yourself in, you have chosen that experience. But the upside is that you have the ability to change your circumstances for the better. You create your reality. You can create a world far removed from your present circumstances. The choice is yours.
Also referred to as the 'Super-Conscious' by western Psychologists or Soul by religious groups. I make no claims for this part of our being only to say that it is the part that helps to look after us, to care and love us. It helps to create our reality as we have specified and designed it. It never interferes with our life because we have 'freewill'. But we can ask that the Higher-Self come into our life to help and guide us, but we need to ASK.
As individuals we don’t always feel our connection to other human beings. But the Higher-Self is consciously connected to each other Higher-Self from the human and animal kingdoms. The Higher-Self can ask help from other Higher Selves in creating your reality as long as it does not interfere with their duty to their own human host.
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