Creative visualization is a technique to help you acquire what you want in life. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with the Magic Mind Method.
People will have mixed reactions when asked to visualize. Many will instantly say they can't do it, thinking you have to see vivid, almost real images in your mind, almost like experiencing a dream while awake. Indeed some people can do that and given time, patience and practice you can also. But for our purposes, creative visualization means the active and disciplined use of the imagination. Of course you use your imagination every minute, every hour, every day. Fantasizing, day dreaming, thinking about work, travel or romance, but the images we create have very little energy attached to them, so the Inner and Higher Selves cannot create them as your reality. Although it is often the case that the images of those things that we fear e.g. spiders, fire, heights etc often have a great deal of energy, in the form of fear itself attached to that image, which is why we often encounter those fears in our daily lives. The Inner-Self will use the images that are given greater energy, so make sure those images you create are positive and have loving energy attached to them.
A new house needs an architect for its design, but it also needs the bricks, mortar and labor to build. The Magic Mind Method needs a design for your new reality, you create that design using Creative Visualization and the clearer, more precise the design, the more chance of a quicker success. Of course some of your desires for a change in reality can't be that precise, it may be a change in life direction, but creative visualization can still help us in such instances.
As already stated we use creative visualization everyday, every daydream or fantasy is creative visualization. Most of our idol thoughts or fantasies do not have enough energy or intent to manifest in our reality. But also remember, many of our thoughts or daydreams may be about problems or fears. If we concentrate on these images too often, using fear as an energy source, many of them may well manifest in our lives. As you learn to use creative visualization, learn to take those negative thoughts and images and transform them into positive images that enhance your life. It is rare that such transformations happen over night, but little by little change creeps into your life as your Inner-Self begins to understand how you want to change your reality.
Remember your Inner-Self will see every experience as valid. It is only your discerning conscious mind that decides which experience is more pleasurable or life enhancing.
It should be noted that this technique should not be used to "control" the behavior of others or cause them to do something against their will. Whatever you try to create for another will always boomerang back to you. That includes both loving, helpful, or healing actions and negative, destructive ones. Any visualization involving others must always have their permission. If you want to help your family and friends simply give them your love and support.
The desired outcome of your visualization should always concern yourself e.g. acquiring a new car, finding a new job, finding true love etc. Only include others if you have their permission. A couple may create the same visualization together e.g. a new house, when others join your vision it has more power and energy. In fact its power is more than double the number of people involved, if two people visualize together, it’s as strong if four people are doing it individually.
As with the other self-help methods in the ebook, creative visualization requires no religious or metaphysical belief, just following the technique is enough to create or manifest your reality or goal.
But if you employ enthusiasm and extra energy the results are more likely to manifest in a quicker time scale. It is especially helpful when visualizing your goal to include your emotions. In fact emotional intent can increase the power of your visualizations considerably. Emotion creates a very strong impression on our Inner-Self, whenever we use strong emotion, positive or negative and apply it to an image or desire the Inner-Self is compelled to try and create the reality that will allow that desire to manifest, irrespective of the outcome to our life style, one reason why addictions are so hard to overcome. See section Achievement Embrace.
The Basic structure of a Creative Visualization session.
Firstly, make sure you aren't going to be disturbed for at least 15 minutes, then try and go into the most relaxed state you can. If you are not sure on how to do this, look at the sections on Relaxation and Breathing techniques.
Take a few full, deep breathes, closing your eyes on the exhale. Feel the relaxation of your muscles, the tension just drifting away. Breathe in, breathe out, and relax. Breathe in, breathe out, and relax. Let yourself go more relaxed with each breath. On each breath give yourself the suggestion that you are becoming more relaxed.
Creating the Image:
When first creating your desired goal, you should lead yourself into a beautiful, peaceful scene that enhances your relaxed state of mind. The entry into your scene should preferably always be the same, this will also alert the Inner-Self that you are about to visualize a desire that you want created and made manifest in your own reality. Always use positive images, use positive, constructive words if talking to yourself or repeating affirmations.
Also be aware that your memory plays an important part in visualization, if you can remember a recent journey, say to work, the route, your actions on the journey, getting to your destination, the you are using visualization.
When you have finished creating or reviewing a desired goal or object, return the way you came, always finish where you started. Don't worry if this seems a little confusing, the examples I will give will clearly show what I mean.
Coming Back:
This is the point that you come back to waking reality, where you gradually become aware of your surroundings again.
Taking deep breaths and feeling extra energy return to your body. Try not to get up straight away if possible, but with everyday day concerns calling on our attention that is not always possible.
You will not have to go through this procedure every time you wish to use the Magic Mind Method, but it is useful for getting your desired goal created and made firm in your mind.
The following three exercises will help you exercise your imagination, prior to creating your personal imaginary space for use with the Magic Mind Method.
An Apple a Day:
I'm using an apple as the basic image, but any favorite fruit can be used. This exercise is very simple. You are going to imagine you are eating an apple. Using the above procedure, first get into a relaxed state, either sitting or laying down, although if you get too relaxed while laying down, you might drift into sleep, especially after a meal.
Once relaxed, just imagine an apple in your hand, I imagine a Red Golden Delicious, most red in color with specks of green. Imagine it floating in front of your eyes, turning in the air. Examine is shape, slightly rounder and fuller at the top where the stalk appears. Once its turned for you to examine, imagine you plucking it from mid-air, it might have been in the fridge, so it is slightly cool to the touch. Allow your hands to explore its contours, run the stalk through your fingers, bring it up to your nose and smell it. Then imagine you are taking a first bite, your teeth going deeper into the apple, the apple juice running down your chin. Let your mind remember the taste of an apple, its sweetness, how easy it is to chew. Smell the apple, its distinctive smell is now stronger since the skin has been pierced.
You may continue with this exercise for as long as you wish, the important part is trying to engage as many senses as you can. The more senses you can engage while visualizing your desired goal the more affect it will have on your Inner-Self.
Short Trip:
Sit down and relax. Now stand and go to another part of your house or apartment e.g. go to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water, have a drink, then return to your chair.
Now close your eyes and remember your short journey. As you remember rising from the chair, imagine the room in your mind. What other furniture is there, are there pictures on the wall. In your mind go into the kitchen, what do you see as you enter, are there any smells. Now imagine taking that drink of water, how does it feel and taste. Return to your chair, remembering how the chair looked in its surroundings. Gently sit and open your eyes.
In Touch with Nature:
Now create your own little trip that involves nature, perhaps a little job in the garden. A trip to a favorite spot in the forest or along the coast. This exercise allows you to feel connected to your environment, to make a connection with the world around us, this also allows you to feel closer to your Inner-Self.
We now create a personal space that can be used with the Magic Mind Method. Although this is my choice, you can also use it, the world you create is within your own mind, it has a connection only with your Inner and Higher-Self, so even though others may use similar images, they will always be unique to yourself.
But you don't have to have the same imaginary space as myself, you can choose whichever scenario you feel comfortable with, the most important part is how you feel about it. And the greater positive energy you can give to your imaginary world the better.
I call mine River World.
I won't give you every detail of my imaginary world, you can fill in details of your own, but it will give you the basic structure and design.
Of course, the first starting point is to relax. Find a place where you won't be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. Use deep breathing to not only relax your body, but to also calm your mind. You can't successfully explore your inner world if your mind is still full of the day's problems.
First imagine nothing, as if you're in a darkened room, the room is completely empty. As your eyes become accustomed to the darkness, you see the outline of a door, you walk across and open the door. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the light. You take a deep breath, the air is heavy with the scent of flowers, both familiar and unfamiliar, you're body relaxes even more.
You take in the full panorama surrounding you. The sky is mainly clear, very blue, with just the odd small wispy cloud strolling across the horizon. Your standing in a green field, your feet bare so you can feel the blades of grass in between your toes.
A short distance away there is a river, gently flowing and meandering through the fields. As you look along the rivers path you can see many fields that come to the waters edge. These fields then gently slope upwards, merging with hills and mountains. The world is filled with a mixture of vegetation both from your own locale and more exotic areas. You can also hear the pleasing sound of bird song. The temperature is just right, warm with a slight breeze, you see you are wearing just shorts and a t-shirt.
You walk towards the rivers edge, feeling the grass beneath your feet with the gentle sound of the river getting a little louder. As you approach the river to see a wooden landing stage and ready at the stage is a raft. Long and wide enough for you to stand, sit or lay down. The raft is made of papyrus, which is buoyant and soft.
You walk on to the raft and sit down, just by your thought alone the raft moves into the flow of the river and slowly moves forward. The speed of the raft is controlled by your will power. If you have the time, just meander along, imagining all forms of trees and flowers along the way. Lie back and watch the clouds drift by, hear the sound of the river as it splash's against the riverbank. The raft always keeps you in the center of the river as it turns round the bends. After traveling some distance you see a landing stage, all landing stages have a sign, you decide its message, this one simply says 'Home'. You decide to land the raft, it moves and stops at the landing stage. You get up and exit the raft. There is a field with a slight incline going upwards towards a log cabin. It's a simple cabin, a small porch with a door. You walk upwards towards the cabin and begin to breath a little deeper, a little longer, this begins to energize your body. As you go along, say to yourself,
'I am going back to my daily life, my mind is becoming alert to my everyday reality'.
Up the steps onto the porch, then open and enter the cabin, close the door behind you. The room is dark, take a final deep breath and say
'I now awake'.
Open your eyes you are now back in your own room.
Now this has established your imaginary world where you can create your desires for the Magic Mind Method. The more often you visit this world, the more your Inner-Self will come to understand, that the objects, desires, people, situations that you create in this world are those which you want to manifest in your everyday reality.
Next step, how to create your desires. Lets start with the example of a new car. Decide before hand if you want a particular car, or just a type e.g. four wheel drive or sports car. For this example I shall choose a sports car.
Material Objects:
The same procedure is used, first get comfortably, relax, when ready enter your imaginary world, call it by the name you have chosen. In this instance, go down to the raft and float down the river. Remember to use all your senses when traveling your world, engaging your senses will also engage your Inner-Self more closely.
When you are relaxed, just drift around the bend in the river and see a landing stage, next to the stage is a sign, which simply reads 'New Car'. Exit the raft and walk up a slight grassy incline to a log cabin. Log Cabins and more specifically the cabin door signal an entrance to a different imaginary world. Remember anything is possible with the imagination.
So you enter the log cabin door and step into a car showroom. Within the showroom are as many sports cars as you can imagine. Now examine them. Feel the cool metal, run your hand along the car's contours. Get in them, move the steering wheel, change gears, smell the leather seats, open and close the boot. Do all you would while examining a car in a showroom. Remember to use all of your senses.
When you have decided which car you would like, go to the salesman, don't talk about price etc simply imagine him giving you the keys to the car and saying, 'here are the keys to your new sports car sir'. This is the seminal point in the creation, the point at which you receive your new car. Now take a few deep breaths and engage your emotions, (see section 'Achievement Embrace'). Create this type of feeling at this point, the point of receiving your desire.
Now say to your Inner-Self,
'I command that this desire manifest within my reality',
repeat no less than seven times in order for your Inner-Self to fully understand your desire. Also say this affirmation with conviction. This stresses the importance of this desire/image on your Inner-Self. Now also thank your Inner and Higher-Self at this point for their help e.g.
'I thank you my Inner and Higher-Self for all your help in manifesting my desires'.
Now turn round, exit the showroom, you will come out onto the log cabin porch. Take a moment to view your surroundings, the cabin, the field in front leading to the river with the raft waiting for you at the landing stage. Go down towards the landing stage, remember to feel your surroundings, the grass beneath your feet, the soft breeze etc. Get onto the raft and move out into the flow of the river, you may drift for a while, or find a landing stage that says 'Home', at which point you would exit your world.
You may visit this desire as often as you like, but you must always try to follow the same procedure and routine in your fantasy, keep the desire as it is. If you wish to change it, for example in the above, you might decide on a different type of car. When entering your showroom, say to your Inner-Self
'I clear my last request and substitute it with this new desire', be clear to your Inner-Self that this is your new desire.
Relationships are the utmost importance to people, searching for that special person who will make their life complete or wanting to make their present relationship stronger and more loving. This example is primarily aimed at a man seeking a woman, but can be easily adapted for other combinations.
Sometimes a person will concentrate their attention on one person, perhaps somebody at work, the local gym or even a movie star. If you create a specific desire for that person and incorporate them in your fantasy world you may have problems with the 'freewill' of that other person. They may have no feelings for you at all. They may not even know you exist. Such focusing on one person may lead to nothing but frustration for you. A better approach is to open yourself to a loving relationship, expressing the need to your Inner and Higher-Self that you are ready and willing for love.
So if you seek a particular physical characteristic in your partner e.g. tall legged blond, BBW(Big Beautiful Woman), ethnic, long haired brunette or if your a woman, a tall dark and handsome chap. You can incorporate this feature in your desire, but try not to be too specifically focused on one type of person.
Now within your fantasy world, you would follow the same procedure as before, but come upon a landing stage that said 'Romance', or 'Love' or 'Passion'.
I've chosen 'Romance'. But you could choose 'Passion' if your need was primarily for a physical relationship. There are many people both male and female who only need this type of relationship in their lives, the Magic Mind Method helps you to seek such a person that also needs the same type of relationship as yourself.
As you exit the raft you start to walk up the grassy slope, at the top of the slope is a coppice, an enclosed area, surrounded by flowers, roses or perhaps some other favorite. You can smell the scent on the wind, you can see a picnic basket laid out on the grassy floor, a person is there, but their body is just blocked out of view by the flowers. You enter the coppice and there standing, ready to greet you is a lovely young woman, long flowing light brown hair gently curled, bright sparkling brown eyes smiling at you. She's wearing a light summer dress. Although you don't know this girl, she brings a feeling of love and tenderness to your heart that has never been matched. And you know your feelings are returned. It would be at this moment that you tell your Inner-Self that this is the type of girl and relationship that you seek.
If you agree simply seeking 'Passion', the image on the grassy knoll, may be that of a four-poster bed, the curtains around the bed are closed, as you approach you open the curtains to reveal your ideal lover, with very little on, ready to give you a night of passion you will never forget.
You see there are many ways you can frame your fantasy, but at some point you must freeze that frame and inform your Inner-Self that this is your desire that you want manifesting in your life.
You may be perfectly healthy already or you may have some ailment you wish to help cure.
Although it may seem strange, sometimes the Inner-Self allows the body to become ill for a particular reason. You may be rushing about in your life and need a rest, either physically or need a time for reflection. Sometimes a virus can help mutate and transform some of our DNA. So sometimes an illness can help us learn lessons in life. If using the Magic Mind Method does not help you cure yourself there may be a reason you are unaware of at the moment
I must also point out, that I do not advocate using the Magic Mind Method instead of any treatment you may already be using, if you are happy to follow your Doctor's advice, please remain and do so. The Magic Mind Method will help convince your Inner-Self of your desire to seek perfect health.
Follow the usual procedure until you come up on a landing stage marked 'Health'.
Walk up the bank into a glade, full of trees or flowers. Walk into the middle and relax, you can be seated or standing, whichever makes you feel more comfortably. Imagine a brilliant white light coming from above and flowing all over your body, this light is like a waterfall, flowing through your body and washing away all negative energies into the earth. Don't forget to feel happiness and joy at this point, letting your Inner-Self know how you want to feel with full and vital health.
When you feel happy, follow the procedure for leaving this area.
You design your reality, but your Inner and Higher-Self manifest it.
Energy follows where thought goes.
Be as clear as possible with your fantasies.
Engage all your emotions when visualizing a desire.
Remember to ask your Inner-Self to remember your desire, and thank your Inner-Self for their help.
You are responsible for the reality you live in.
Believe that you deserve the good things in life.
The more energy you give an image/thought the more effect it has on your life, even negative ones.
Have fun, fun, fun, enjoy your visualizations, don't be too serious.